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9 March - Go to the Humans of Humanities film premiere in Leiden

The humanities consist of various academic fields. But what is the common ground between all these different academics and students? And why does their work matter so much in today’s world? Watch the trailer of Humans of Humanties, the new documentary film about the Leiden Faculty of Humanities. Will you join the premiere on March 9th in Trianon Cinema?

Humans of Humanities

In the short documentary Humans of Humanities (15 minutes), six students, alumni, academics and lecturers (among them our very own Maria Gabriela Palacio Ludeña) of the Leiden Faculty of Humanities explain what drives them in their work, what inspires them and why the critical, nuanced voice of the Humanities scholar is indispensable in society. Watch the trailer and sign up for the premiere below!

Watch the trailer here

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Sign up for the premiere!

Humans of Humanities will be premiered for all Leiden Humanities students and staff members on March 9 (14.45 – 16.30) in Trianon Cinema in Leiden. Sign up for a seat in the theatre here: Humans of Humanities premiere Trianon.

 The premiere will be followed by a panel discussion about the value of humanities research in today’s society. We conclude the programme with drinks.

If you are not a student or staff member, but you dou want to see the film: Humans of Humanities will also be premiered online on March 9th on the Leiden Humanities website

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