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Call to International Studies Graduates (2016-2019): take part in our Job Market Survey!

Are you an International Studies Graduate and did you graduate between 2016 and 2019? We would love to hear from you!

Do you currently have a job or are you looking for one? Looking back, how satisfied are you with your BA International Studies? Help your university by sharing your experiences with us in the Humanities Job Market Survey.

Your feedback is very important to help us prepare International Studies students for the labour market. How can we coach them effectively?
Your feedback also serves as a basis to assess if and how the curriculum needs to be adapted to achieve a better fit with the professional practice.

Since this is the first time International Studies alumni can take part in this survey, your participation is extra significant to us.

Participate and win!
All International Studies alumni, graduated between 2016 and 2019 will receive an invitation by email as of 29 January. If you have not received your invitation by email, please use the link below to sign up. Participate and you could win one of the three Bol.com gift cards worth 250 euros each! But don't wait too long; you can participate until the 23th of February.

Find it here-> Link to Survey.

Context: first Job Market Survey among International Studies alumni
The Faculty of Humanities conducts a Job Market Survey every four years. The last Job Market Survey was conducted in January 2016, just after the first 264 International Studies alumni graduated in September 2015: too early to form a complete image of what and how our International Studies Alumni are doing on the labour market. This is why your participation this year is especially important to us:  we very much hope for a large number of engaged participants.

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