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Check Out Our New Bangladesh Collection

The first semester of this academic year saw the return to a relatively normal on-campus student life. It was invigorating to meet again in person, to explore our interests, discuss issues beyond covid-19, and continue our investigation into the global challenges of today from a vantage point that was not our computer screen.

One such event was the visit of His Excellency Riaz Hamidullah, the ambassador of Bangladesh to the Netherlands, to BA International Studies at our The Hague campus. His Excellency addressed a filled-out auditorium in Schouwburgstraat on Bangladeshi politics and culture and his nation's place in the world.

On this very special occasion, His Excellency kindly donated an impressive collection of books on the present and past of Bangladesh to BA International Studies. These books include studies on migration, nation-building, climate change, the position of women in Bangladesh society, and much more. They discuss questions such as: What are the routes to success for low-earning Bangladeshis? Is Microfinance a win-win approach for alleviating poverty and empowering women? What problems do Bangladeshi women face when they participate in politics? In short, this collection provides valuable insights into the (global) challenges that contemporary Bangladesh faces. The collection is of interest for students and scholars of Bangladesh, Asia and International Studies in general.

Leiden University Library organised a temporary exhibition on the collection at our library in Wijnhaven. Now the the entire collection has been added to the central Leiden University Library. They can be been retrieved through the Leiden University Library catalogue.

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