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Updates from the Alumni Board

Dear Alumni,  Long time, no see - we all know how it goes! We haven’t seen you in a while, but we hope that you are all safe and enjoying what life after graduation has to offer! In the meantime, you can read some of our updates and news (over the last year!).

If you have any ideas about what you’d like to see from the Alumni Association, please don’t hesitate to contact us. You can send us an email or reach out to us on social media (Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram).

New social media channels

Follow BAIS Alumni Association on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram!
“Students for a while, alumni forever!”
We strive to create a space for networking, partnerships, events, tips, news, and valuable opportunities for BAIS alumni! Curious? Or maybe nostalgic? Join the community on our social media platforms! 
We are new on LinkedIn and Instagram, follow us for more updates! Also, don’t hesitate to let us know what you would like to see more often on our social media platforms!

Reunion 2021

Stay tuned to hear more about the 2021 BAIS Reunion that will take place this summer, in virtual format! Details on the event will be provided closer to the event date on email and on the official social media accounts of the BAIS Alumni Association. 

Last Year in a Nutshell

The past 12 months have been for sure unique in many ways; we have tried to fill up the void of not being able to meet up in real life and bring you the best opportunities for online networking and conversations! Whether you are nostalgic about the BAIS years or seeking to (re-)connect or share experiences and advice with other alumni, we strive to create that space for interaction and inspiration. Check out what we have been up to recently! 

Virtual Alumni Reunion
August 8, 2020

In August 2020, we organised our yearly reunion. However, due to the circumstances, there was a twist: the reunion - as many events that are organised today - took place online. This worked out very well for our diverse, internationally oriented alumni: there were people present from various different time zones. We had a lovely time catching up with each other and watching speeches from some of our favourite professors. Stay tuned for news about this year’s reunion!

Meet the board
November 20, 2020

In November, we organised an online information session with the board of the Alumni Association. Anyone interested in joining the board was able to get to know the board and ask questions about our work!

Finding a Job in Times of COVID
February 27, 2021

“How to find a job during COVID-19” was the question circling in the minds of everyone who joined this event. Graduating is terrifying, even more so when you get your diploma during a pandemic.

We invited BAIS alumni who managed to get a job during the pandemic, and currently work in different sectors, like education, international corporations, and sustainability. They discussed the difficulties they have had in finding a job during a pandemic, and gave valuable tips on how to find employment despite the hiring freeze.

Mastering the Art of Finding a Master's
March 8, 2021

Did you struggle with having too many options when choosing a Master’s program? Looking at how many people joined this event, it’s safe to say the current BAIS students are certainly feeling a little insecure about their Master’s choice. So, we called 6 recent graduates to rescue!

Our speakers from LSE, Sciences Po, Leiden University and Erasmus Mundus discussed all essential things to making that oh-so-important choice. Topics ranged from curricular content, to career preparation, to financial matters, to bureaucracy in France (and wine, naturally). Participants left the event feeling a bit surer about their choices, or at least knowing how to evaluate their options better.

Intern Panel 
April 15, 2021

Virtual event that we co-organised with Sarita Koendjbiharie for the Organisational Design, Culture and Behaviour course followed by current 2nd-year BAIS students. 

We invited BAIS graduates with internship experience to advise 2nd years and offer them a boost of confidence needed on their internship hunt. They received valuable tips on how to deal with rejection, how to enter the job market as a student, on persistence, motivation, and capacity to adapt.

Speed Networking Drinks
May 7, 2021

When planning for the 3rd edition of our annual speed networking, we weren’t too excited about yet another online event. Little did we know, going virtual turned out to be a blessing in disguise! We could invite alumni living in multiple different countries who would normally not be able to join an offline event.

Recent graduates, career changers, and current students got a glimpse of what it is like to work for organisations like OECD, Microsoft, Danish Refugee Council, and PwC – just to name a few! And most importantly, advice and support in navigating their own career paths.

Joint Tea Talk
May 15, 2021

We welcomed BAIS alumni join an open and interactive conversation with people from around the world exchanging personal views and experiences about civil society, citizen participation, identity, and self-expression. 

This was a virtual event, co-organised with Correspondents of the World, an online story-platform and community founded by two BAIS alumni, that aims to foster understanding between people from all over the world, addressing relevant and topical themes and opening up space for conversation during monthly "Tea Talks".

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