Geerten Boogaard 'the provinces are generally perceived as being quite invisible and distant'
In order to create a better understanding of the role of the province in the future, Geerten Boogaard, Professor of Local Government at Leiden University, shed light on the subject in Dutch newspaper 'Algemeen Dagblad'. With the upcoming council elections and ongoing issues such as nitrogen emissions, housing shortages, and youth care, the focus of the public eye is shifting to the provinces.

'For centuries – dating back to the time the Netherlands formed a republic and consisted of seven provinces - the province has been seen as a bogeyman. When the Kingdom was created, those stubborn provinces were seen as a threat to the unity of the fledgeling country' says Boogaard.
Boogaard's research focusses on the awkward position of local politics. 'The institution's outlook isn’t entirely certain. If certain decisions are not taken now and it doesn’t step up to take its role as a governing body, its future is uncertain. It will have to demonstrate its strength. Otherwise, its relevance will be lost and it will get left behind.'
'Proximity is critical to how someone feels about politics. The provinces are generally perceived as being quite invisible and distant while national leaders appear in the media on an almost daily basis, it almost feels as if we know them. In addition, unity among the different provinces is lacking.'
You can read the full article (€ - in Dutch) on the website of the Algemene Dagblad.