Universiteit Leiden

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Geerten Boogaard

Assistant Professor

Prof.mr. G. Boogaard
+31 71 527 2727

Geerten Boogaard is Professor Local Government and holds the Thorbecke chair (Dutch site). The chair is funded by the Stichting Professor Mr. J.R. Thorbecke Leerstoel and its remit is local government as an administrative, political and legal system. In addition, he lectures in constitutional and administrative law at the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law of Leiden Law School.  

Curriculum vitae
Geerten Boogaard studied constitutional and administrative law, and legal philosophy and methodology up to 2004. After graduating he worked for two years as a legal representative at the Centrum Indicatieinstelling Zorg (CIZ)(care needs assessment centre). He then went on to work as a lecturer and researcher at the University of Amsterdam where he was awarded a doctorate in 2013 for his research into the constitutional role of the courts. Since then he has been affiliated to Leiden Law School where he conducts research into the constitutional role of the courts, local democracy and decentralisation, and narratology in constitutional law.

Area of research
- Constitutional role of the courts
- Decentralisation law
- (Local) democracy
- N
arratology in constitutional law

Assistant Professor

  • Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
  • Instituut voor Publiekrecht
  • Staats- en Bestuursrecht

Work address

Kamerlingh Onnes Building
Steenschuur 25
2311 ES Leiden
Room number B1.28




  • Lid/(duo-)hoofdredacteur Gemeentestem redactiewerk
  • Wetenschappelijk instituut CDA Fellow staatsrecht/gemeenterecht
  • Lid raad van toezicht Stichting G1000.nu Toezicht houden op activiteit stichting
  • Lid redactie Bestuurswetenschappen redactiewerk
  • Regionale bezwaarcommissie Servicepunt 71 Lid bezwaarcommissie sociale zaken
  • Wetenschappelijk Instituut CDA (Steenkamp Instituut) Lid redactieraad CDV
  • Vereniging Nederlandse Gemeenten Lid adviescommissie gemeenterecht
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