Anne-Laura van Harmelen about resilience research and public engagement on Dutch radio programme Sleutelstad
In a one-hour interview on Dutch radio programme Sleutelstad, Anne-Laura van Harmelen talks about her research into the role friendships in adolescents' well-being, the resilience paradox and the role of social, hormonal and genetic factors in stress-levels and resilience.
She also explains how she translates the scientific topics from the Social Resilience & Security interdisciplinary programme to the general public, for instance in the form of podcasts and high-school workshops.
Listen to the interview (in Dutch)
Interview Sleutelstad FMAnne-Laura van Harmelen is a professor Brain, Safety and Resilience at Leiden University. She’s currently involved with the research program Social Resilience and Security, an interdisciplinary program designed to contribute to greater social security for all. Anne-Laura van Harmelen's research focuses on a better understanding of the complex social, psychological and neurobiological mechanisms of risk and resilience in adolescence.