Hester Bijl in podcast on Leiden Bio Science Park
The latest episode of the ‘Betrouwbare Bronnen’ political podcast is devoted to the Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP). One of the speakers is Rector Magnificus Hester Bijl, who talks about the importance and future of this internationally renowned Leiden knowledge centre.
The podcast’s title was ‘Smarter together: the Leiden knowledge ecosystem as catalyst for sustainable growth’, and it featured a number of leading LBSP ‘residents’ discussing its past, present and above all future. At the table were Professor Hester Bijl, rector magnificus of Leiden University; Bart van Zijll Langhout, Janssen The Netherlands Campus Lead; Beatrice Boots, Director of Platform Talent voor Technologie; and Joeri van den Steenhoven from the Executive Board of University of Applied Sciences Leiden. The podcast was presented by co-hosts Jaap Jansen and P.G. Kroeger.
Unique character
In the podcast the guests spoke about the history and unique character of the LBSP, the largest knowledge cluster in the life sciences. Everyone present agreed that more-intensive collaboration is needed in teaching and technology for medical and biopharmaceutical purposes. They also felt that attention should be paid to teaching and research in the new coalition agreement. Hester Bijl said, ‘It was a very interesting discussion about an important topic: our collaboration at the Leiden Bio Science Park, both now and in the future. There are so many great opportunities... Listen to the podcast and come up with your own ideas!’
Joeri van den Steenhoven found it an inspiring discussion. ‘Leiden Bio Science Park is 35 years old, which is a good opportunity to get together with our ‘co-residents’ to consider the unique aspects and opportunities of this knowledge cluster. Our university of applied sciences, which also turns 35 in 2021, is proud that we can call the Bio Science Park our “home”.’
Listen to the podcast from the ‘Betrouwbare bronnen’ series (in Dutch).