International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect in The Hague
On 2 and 3 October 2017, a delegation of the Child Law Department has participated in the 15th European regional conference of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect in The Hague.

Professionals and academics in the field of child abuse and neglect, sexual violence against children and child protection from around the world attended the conference. The conference was opened by Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands. Inspiring key note speeches were given by, among others, Ms. Corinne Dettmeijer-Vermeulen, National Rapporteur Trafficking in Human Beings and Sexual Violence against Children, Ms. Marielle Dekker, director Augeo Foundation and Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, Trauma Center Boston.

Five colleagues from the Department of Child Law participated in the conference. Marielle Bruning and Daniella Zlotnik discussed their research on the right of child victims of abuse to protection and health in the Netherlands. Stephanie Rap and Denise Verkroost presented their research on the participation of children in youth care and protection decisions in the Netherlands. Jaap Doek discussed the notions of access to justice and remedies for child victims of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse from a human rights perspective.