Paul Behrens in international media with warning climate change
Environmental researcher Paul Behrens generated both international as national media attention with his recent publication in Nature Energy. The media included Science Daily, Quartz and the Dutch financial newspaper Financieel Dagblad. In his publication, Behrens warns for possible power disruptions in Europe due to climate change.
Insufficient cooling water
With long droughts, there will be insufficient cooling water for power stations, leading to power disruptions or even total blackouts, says the Leiden researcher. Possible solutions according to Behrens are new sustainable power plants and the use of sea water as cooling water.
Science Daily: Climate change poses threat to European electricity production
Quartz - Yet another reason for the doom of Europe’s fossil-fuel power plants: not enough water
NU.nl: 'Europa krijgt vaker last van stroomstoringen door klimaatverandering'
Financieel Dagblad: Klimaatverandering zet stroomproductie onder druk
Leidsch Dagblad: Universiteit Leiden: vaker stroomstoring door watertekort
Vroege vogels: ‘Vaker stroomstoring door watertekort’
Scientias: Europeanen vaker zonder stroom door klimaatverandering
Nieuws.nl: ‘Vaker stroomstoring door watertekort’
VTR Nieuws: Europa zal vaker last krijgen van stroomuitval door klimaatverandering