Educational research
PhD information
Information about doctorates and application procedures for PhD positions at ICLON
ICLON research staff is involved in a considerable number of PhD projects, mostly as supervisors of ICLON PhD students, but also as supervisors or co-supervisors of PhD students at other faculties or universities. The subjects may vary, but they are always related to Teaching and teacher learning, which is the theme of the ICLON research programme.
Applying for a PhD position (research proposal)
ICLON offers a limited number of funded PhD positions for research projects that fit within the ICLON research programme. New research projects are first advertised as funded positions for graduate students in local media and on the web. The website Academic Transfer holds current information about vacancies at Dutch universities.
External PhD students might be accepted, provided that they obtained a research grant and submitted a research proposal that fits the ICLON research programme. Furthermore, information about previous achievements and recommendations by well-known scholars will have to prove the outstanding competencies of the prospective PhD student. General applications without such information will not be considered.
Financial prerequisite
If you intend to pursue a doctorate at ICLON, you can either apply for a vacant position by responding to an advertisement, or follow the procedure for a position based on self-obtained research grants.
Every full professor and some associate professors have the right to act as a PhD supervisor (promotor). The department’s associate and assistant professors may co-supervise a PhD project. By the time you have planned to do a PhD at Leiden University, you should have contacted your prospective supervisor. For ICLON this can be
- F.J.J.M. Janssen, professor of Science Education
- prof.dr. N.H. de Jong, professor of Second language Acquisition
- prof.dr. R.M. van der Rijst, professor of Educational Sciences, with a focus on research into higher education
- prof.dr. N. Saab, professor of Educational Sciences, with a focus on technology enhanced teaching
- dr. E.H. Tigelaar, associate professor of Educational Sciences, with a focus on assessment and teacher learning
English language
A good command of English is crucial for any PhD project. A diploma in Dutch secondary education and a master's degree at a Dutch university are sufficient proof of mastery of English language. If you do not have this, you are advised to demonstrate your command of English by means of an IELTS test, a Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English or similar. The Leiden Academic Language Centre can advise you on this.
Most PhD students at ICLON participate in the national research school ICO, which organises courses on subjects related to education and teaching, and to methodology and statistics. Other general or domain-specific courses can be followed at Leiden University, including the compulsory Leiden University PhD Introductory Meeting. All courses are part of the training and supervision plan that is drawn up at the start of the PhD project.
ICLON research group
All PhD students and researchers at ICLON participate in the ICLON Research Group, which organises monthly meetings on theoretical and methodological issues, drafts of articles and conference papers. The official language in these meetings is English.
Combining a job with a PhD
The Leiden University Dual PhD Centre provides support for PhD candidates who devote part of their working time to scientific research on a theme from their professional practice. The Centre helps these so-called dual PhD candidates to develop a research plan, provides training and ties it in with the research of a prospective supervisor.
More information
- prof.dr. R.M. van der Rijst (director ICLON reBord search programme)
- Inge Bork (secretary ICLON research programme)
- ICLON Research program