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About the Foundation

Laureates are invited to an official ceremony at Leiden University to receive the Havinga medal and present a honorary lecture. Nomination for the award is by the board of the foundation. Current board members are listed below and include a member of the Royal Dutch Chemical Association (KNCV) and a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences (KNAW). Every laureate is given the opportunity to intensify contacts with the Dutch scientific community through a visiting tour of universities and institutes in the Netherlands as a guest of the Havinga Fund Foundation.


Prof. dr. M. Koper (chair)

Leiden Institute of Chemistry
Gorlaeus Laboratories
P.O. Box 9502 (Einsteinweg 55)
2300 RA Leiden (2333 CC Leiden)
E: m.koper@chem.leidenuniv.nl

Prof. dr. M. van der Stelt (secretary)

Leiden Institute of Chemistry
Gorlaeus Laboratories
P.O. Box 9502
2300 RA Leiden
E: m.van.der.stelt@chem.leidenuniv.nl

Dr. Kim Bonger
Leiden Insitute of Chemistry
Chemical Biology & Immunology
Gorlaeus Laboratories
P.O. Box 9502
2300 RA Leiden
E: k.m.bonger@lic.leidenuniv.nl

Prof. dr. Syuzanna Harutyunyan (KNCV)
University of Groningen
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Homogeneous Catalysis — Stratingh Institute of Chemistry
Nijenborgh 3
9747 AG Groningen
E: s.harutyunyan@rug.nl

Prof. dr. Floris Rutjes (KNAW)
Radboud Universiteit
P.O. Box 9010
6500 GL Nijmegen
E: floris.rutjes@ru.nl

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