NIPV lecture series: A closer look at the Dutch crisis governance system
Leiden University presents a lecture series on the Dutch crisis governance system in collaboration with the Netherlands Institute for Public Safety (NIPV).

Lector Crisis Management Menno van Duin, Professor Crisis management and National Safety Peter Bos, Professor in Crisis Governance Sanneke Kuipers, and Assistant Professor of Crisis Governance Jeroen Wolbers will guide you past the most importance structures, chains, administrative networks, and spontaneous coordination structures. In three consecutive lectures they will use their own personal experiences to discuss the state of Dutch crisis governance.
The lecture series is the result of a collaboration between both knowledge institutes in the field of research and education. It is a unique opportunity for students from the bachelor Security Studies and the master Crisis & Security Management to learn about the ins & outs of the Dutch crisis management landscape. Professionals working in the field are also expressly invited to participate. This will allow for an interesting mix of students and experts.
The lecture series will be presented in Dutch. The series consists of three lectures:
- 5 May: Het Nederlands crisis management stelsel: leren van de praktijk (The Dutch crisis management system: what can we learn from it?)
- 2 June: Casuïstiek: de vluchtelingencrisis (Casus: the refugee crisis)
- 9 June: Publieke Veiligheid in de toekomst (The future of Public Security)
Please visit the Dutch website for more information and to register for the lectures.