Media | Art | Politics (MAP)
The Leiden Lectures in Media | Art | Politics (MAP) is a series of talks organized by Pepita Hesselberth and Yasco Horsman. Speakers from various academic backgrounds and in different stages of their careers reflect on diverging ways in which technological and social changes challenge and transform the cultural and political conditions of our existence, often in the form of a work-in-progress. Informal in character and open to all.

- Contact: Pepita Hesselberth
- Coordinators: Pepita Hesselberth, Yasco Horsman, Ali Shobeiri, and Joost de Bloois (UvA)
MAP Lecture Series
In the ongoing lecture series on Media Art Politics, speakers from various academic backgrounds and in different stages of their careers are invited to reflect—often in the form of a work-in-progress—on diverging ways in which technological and social changes challenge and transform the cultural and political conditions of our existence. Informal in character and open to all. The lectures are generally open to everyone. Staff and students are cordially invited, and we encourage ResMa, PhDs and postdocs to join us as well (ResMA students can earn ECs for attendance). Places may be limited. The series is funded by NICA, the Netherlands Institute for Cultural Analysis. For past and upcoming events, see below, or check the LUCAS and NICA agenda’s! If you are interested in presenting or organizing something under the MAP header, do not hesitate to contact us, we’re happy to consider your proposal!
Book Series at LUP
The book series in Media / Art / Politics at Leiden University Press (LUP) stimulates cutting-edge research in the fields of media, arts, and politics, focusing on transformations in technology, cultural expressions, and political processes, and their intertwinement, in our everyday, increasingly media-saturated, and globalized world. We welcome publications that address the myriad ways in which media-technological developments frame, shape and transform our (current) socio-cultural and political order, and give rise to new political ecologies, identities and communities, as well as to novel forms of cultural expression and communication. We seek to publish research that is case-based and theory driven. However diverse the cases addressed, the studies in this series converge in that they all take a specific set of cultural phenomena as a focal point to broach the larger socio-cultural and political issues from perspective of a critical (media) theory in development. Art probes the implications of such changes, offering an excellent starting point for critical reflections that seek to untangle the pivotal role of media in our world today. For more information on how to hand in a proposal for the series, please contact Pepita Hesselberth and Yasco Horsman. For more information on the series, its books, and the press, see here.
Upcoming events
Please scroll down to the end of this page.
Past events
- Spring 2020. MAP Soirées on Optimism, Failure and Care. Pepita Hesselberth & Yasco Horsman (Leiden University)
- May 2019. Decomposition and Deformation: Literature, Film, Philosophy. Eugenie Brinkema (MIT) and Julius Greve (University of Oldenburg)
- April 2018. Monumental Novels: Big Books in Times of Big Data. Inge van de Ven (Tilburg University)
- March 2018. Uncertainty of Digital Archives: Exploring Nostalgia and Civic Engagement. Ekaterina Kalinina (Södertörn University)
- Feb 2018 - Continuity and Disconnection, Flows and Bursts: on the Interruption of Communication. Florian Sprenger (Goethe-Universität)
- Nov 2017 - Automating the Humanities: Big Data, Neoliberalisation, and the Future of Critique. Ingrid Hoofd (Utrecht University)
- Oct 2017 - On the (Il)Legibility of the (Un)Cut in Computation. David Gauthier (University of Amsterdam)
- * April 2017. Data Anxieties and the Need for Opticality. Daniela Agostinho (University of Copenhagen)
- March 2017. Shadow Libraries: The Politics of Mass Digitization. Nanna Bonde Thylstrup (University of Copenhagen)
- * Feb 2017. Solar Onus: Notes Toward a Theory of the Discourse of Sports. Herschel Farbman (University of California)
- May 2016. Mind, Evolution and Film. Maria Soulaki (University of Surrey).
- April 2016. Cycling Chronicities: Presence and Luminance in Telematic Performance and Protest. Cissie Fu (Leiden University)
- March 2016. Fernand Deligny: In Search of Lost Images. Marlon Miguel (Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis)
- Feb 2016. Film Language: A Matter of Form. Blandine Joret (Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis)
- Dec 2015. Disidentifcation & Feminist Performance Art. Lara Mazurski (Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis, Amsterdam University College)
- Nov 2015. Affective Identities: Denaturalization and the Politics of Nationality in France. Marie Beauchamps (University of Amsterdam)
- May 2015. Precarious Pedagogies: Politicizing the Humanities. Joost de Bloois (University of Amsterdam)
- April 2015. Image Acts and Visual Communities: Contemporary Nationalism in Turkey. Aylin Kuryel (University of Amsterdam)
- March 2015. What Was Charlie Hebdo? Roundtable discussion with Joost de Bloois (University of Amsterdam), Maria Boletsi (Leiden University), Yasco Horsman (Leiden University), Yolande Jansen (University of Amsterdam), moderating by Pepita Hesselberth (Leiden University)
- Feb 2015. Vital Art: Transgender Portraiture as Visual Activism. Eliza Steinbock (Leiden University)
- Dec 2014. Speculation and the End of Fiction. Frederik Tygstrup (University of Copenhagen)
- * Nov 2014. The Ludification of Politics: Berlusconi, Putin and Fortuyn. Daan Rutten (Erasmus University)
- Oct 2014. Inheritance and Archives: Affective Economies in Postcommunism. Roxana Bedrule (University of Copenhagen)
- Sep 2014. Spatialized Essays: On learning how to live without speculation. Thijs Witty (University of Amsterdam)
- May 2014. The Paradox of Liveness. Karin van Es (Utrecht University)
- April 2014. Becoming Shameless: shame, shamelessness and the embarrassments of post-ideological subjectivity. Niall Martin (University of Amsterdam)
The MAP coordinators are members of (and regularly partake in) the following international consortia:
- European Summer School in Cultural Studies (ESSCS)
- FILM FORUM (Gorizia, Italy)
- Network on Drones & Aesthetics (Odense)
- Uncertain Archives (Copenhagen)
MAP is embedded in (and collaborates) with the following Dutch National Research School:
2015-2018. “Disconnectivity in the Digital Age.” PI: Pepita Hesselberth. This project was awarded a DFF-Individual grant of the Danish Council for Independent Research Humanities | Culture & Communication (grant no. 5050-00043B).
Members of this research initiative and network have published widely on the nexus of Media, Art, Politics. Key publications include (but are not limited to):
Pepita Hesselberth
- Hesselberth, P. & De Bloos, J. (Eds.) (2020). Politics of Withdrawal: Media Art, Theory. Rowman and Littlefield, 2020
- Hesselberth P., Houwen J.J.M., Peeren E. & Vos R. de (Eds.) (2018), Legibility in the Age of Signs and Machines. Leiden: Brill.
- Hesselberth P. (2017), Discourses on Disconnectivity and the Right to Disconnect, New Media & Society 20(5): 1994-2010.
Yasco Horsman
- Horsman, Y. (2020.) "Drone Bomb Me: Cinema and Warfare in the Good Kill and Eye in the Sky." Senses and Society. Special Issue on the Sensorial Experience of the Drone, Vol 15, Issue 4.
- Horsman, Y. (2020) "W for Withdrawal: Or, Politics without Personhood," In: Politics of Withdrawal: Media, Art, Theory. Hesselberth, P. & De Bloos, J. (Eds.). Rowman and Littlefield. 85-98.
- Horsman, Y. (2018). "Ok Computer? Understanding Cybernetic Personhood," in: Legibility in the Age of Signs and Machines, eds. P. Hesselberth, J. Houwen, E. Peeren and R. De Vos. Leiden: Brill. 133-147.
Ali Shobeiri
- Shobeiri, A., Muntean M., Gageldonk, M. (Eds.) (2020). Animation and Memory. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Shobeiri, A. (2020). “Antumbral Memory: A Psychosomatic Phenomenon in Phantom Limb,” in Animation and Memory. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 127-142.
- Shobeiri, A. (2019). “The Evental Place of Photography,” Image & Narrative Vol. 20 Issue 3, Leuven, Belgium. 74-90.
Book Series in Media Art Politics
Vol. 1: Van de Ven, Inge (2019). Big Books in Times of Big Data. Leiden University Press (LUP).
Vol. 2: Shobeiri, Ali (2020). Place: Towards A Geophilosophy of Photography. Leiden University Press (LUP).