Universiteit Leiden

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Lunch Seminar

Global Geopolitics with Trump: Two Months In

Monday 24 March 2025
Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP The Hague

Donald Trump was sworn into his second period as President of the United States on 20 January 2025. Since then, the Trump administration has raised alarms for people around the world who are concerned over what this will mean for the current geopolitical landscape. Join a panel of experts to discuss how the first two months of the Trump administration have impacted the international system and global geopolitics. 

Register for this event here.

Meet the panel

  • Prof dr Tahir Abbas is Professor of Radicalisation Studies at Leiden University’s Institute of Security and Global Affairs in The Hague. His current research interests include Islamophobia and radicalisation, gender and violence, and polarisation and extremism.
  • Prof. dr. Antoaneta Dimitrova’s research has developed around the theme of governance transfer from the European Union to candidate states. Her previous research has focused on the role of the European Union in the transformations of the post-communist states of Central and Eastern Europe and the EU’s impact on reforms in governance in accession candidates and neighboring states. She investigates the effects of the promotion of rules and norms related to democracy, public administration reform or specific policies by the EU, IMF or other international organizations. 
  • Dr Mamadou Hébié is Associate Professor of International Law at the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies. He is an international lawyer and practitioner, and his areas of interest include international dispute settlement, especially territorial and maritime boundary disputes, together with their relating natural resources disputes, international investment law, and international humanitarian law and human rights.
  • Dr Zakia Shiraz is Assistant Professor of Intelligence and Security. Her expertise lies in Latin American political history and security, and research connects the fields of Area Studies, International Security, and Intelligence Studies.
  • Prof. dr. Daniel Thomas is Professor of International Relations at the Institute of Political Science. His research focuses on the sources, evolution and effects of international norms and institutions, especially as they relate to the politics of human rights, regional integration, and EU decision-making on foreign policy and enlargement policy.
  • Dr Jue Wang is a scholar of Chinese economy and Global Political Economy. With a regional focus on China, her areas of expertise include international political economy, development finance, international organisations, technology policies and global governance.

Moderator: Prof. dr. Isabelle Duijvesteijn - she is Professor of International Studies and Global History at the Leiden University Institute for History and programme chair of International Studies.

Register for this event

These sessions are an opportunity for researchers from across the university to present their work to a group of interested colleagues and students. Moderated by GTGC staff members and led by a chosen discussant, the setting allows for valuable interdisciplinary interaction, discussion and feedback.

Register here

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