Universiteit Leiden

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Launch The Hague Global Futures Hub

Monday 10 June 2024
Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP The Hague

Leiden University and the University of Edinburgh proudly announce the launch of The Hague Global Futures Hub. Join us on 10 June at Wijnhaven, Campus The Hague, for an impactful journey of cross-sectoral collaboration and innovative education.

Leiden University and the University of Edinburgh have long-standing ties and our joint endeavours have led us to explore new avenues of collaboration, particularly in fields such as law, security, public administration and international relations. The establishment of The Hague Global Futures Hub represents the culmination of these efforts, as we aim to address global issues through interdisciplinary research, education and engagement with local and global communities and institutions.

We are honoured to welcome a delegation from the University of Edinburgh, led by Peter Mathieson, Principal and Vice-Chancellor, to mark this momentous occasion. We will discuss our shared ambitions for the future and explore how the Hub will serve as a catalyst for innovative solutions to pressing social and scientific issues.

This event is by invitation only. If you would like to attend, please email Mirella Imthorn Mirella Imthorn


  • 16:00: Doors open
  • 16:30: Welcome by Prof. Hester Bijl, Rector Magnificus of Leiden University, and Prof. Peter Mathieson, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh.
  • 16:40: The Hague Global Futures Hub: transformative education and research without borders.
    • Speakers:
      • Soledad Garcia Ferrari, International Dean for the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and Professor of Global Urbanism and Resilience at the University of Edinburgh
      • Jan Aart Scholte, Professor of Global Transformations and Governance Challenges at Leiden University
  • 16:50: Let’s talk about impact: young scientists present innovative and inspiring research projects that benefit society.
  • 17:00: Panel discussion: Academic collaboration as a motor for global change.
    • Panellists:
      • Sandra Pellegrom, National SDG Coordinator, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
      • Erik Wandrag, CEO Oceans Finance Company
      • Bert Koenders, Professor of Peace, Justice and Security, Leiden University and Chair of the Advisory Council on International Affairs
  • 17:45: Drinks reception

About the speakers and panelist

Eveline van Rijswijk is a presenter, moderator, theatre maker, columnist, speaker, science communicator and political historian.

She studied political science, history and philosophy at Leiden University.

Read more

Dr Soledad Garcia Ferrari is a Senior Lecturer at ESALA, University of Edinburgh.

Professionally qualified in Architecture and Urbanism in Uruguay, her research focuses on current processes of urban development and regeneration in Latin America and Europe.

Soledad is Dean International for the College of Arts and the co-chair of the Joint Taskforce.

Jan Aart Scholte is Professor of Global Transformations and Governance Challenges at Leiden University. The chair is held jointly between the Institute of Political Science in the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences and the Institute of Security and Global Affairs in the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs.

Pushpi Bagchi is a Research Associate in the Data + Design Lab based at the Edinburgh Futures Institute (EFI). She is also a visual communications designer. Her professional practice lies at the intersection of design, academia, and applied research.

Annemiek de Looze is a PhD researcher at the Institute of Public Administration. She is conducting research in the JustETrans project, a collaboration between TU Delft and Leiden University on co-creating just and effective energy transitions through participatory multi-modelling. In her research, she focuses on the impact of participatory practices on justice in models and decision-making, with a focus on the energy transition.

To move towards achieving the SDGs in the Netherlands, Sandra Pellegrom was appointed National Coordinator for the Sustainable Development Goals (in Dutch). She works to help government give the SDGs a more solid position in policy, so that government policy will help achieve the SDGs in the Netherlands. She also encourages society to work towards the goals. The coalition SDG Netherlands helps individuals, businesses and organisations contribute to achieving the SDGs. 

The combination of Erik’s passion for the natural environment and his deep experience in large-scale, long-term investments in emerging markets, led to the founding of Oceans Finance Company. Erik has over 20 years of responsibility for organic and inorganic growth investments in infrastructure sectors in emerging markets for various entities. He served as Senior Transaction Advisor for U.S. Government’s Power Africa initiative. He has also provided management and strategy consulting services to various entities including Sasol, Standard Bank, General Electric, Development Bank of Southern Africa, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency, Royal Bafokeng Holdings and Deloitte.

Oceans Finance Company - Protecting Our Oceans (oceansfc.com)

Bert Koenders is a Professor of Peace, Justice and Security at Leiden University and Special Envoy for Fragility for the World Bank. Between 2014 and 2017 he was Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. Mr Koenders was also Under-Secretary-General of the UN and head of UN peacekeeping operations in Côte d’Ivoire and Mali. Between 2007 and 2010 Mr Koenders was the Netherlands’ Minister for Development Cooperation. He was a member of the House of Representatives from 1997 to 2007 and prior to that worked for the EU, the OECD and Parliamentarians for Global Action.

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