Universiteit Leiden

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Lecture | Tuesday Talks: Science Insights

Networks of the future

Tuesday 12 December 2023
Gorlaeus Building
Einsteinweg 55
2333 CC Leiden
Atrium, 1st floor

Networks of the future

Networks are all around us. The roads that we use, the electric grid, our water supply, social networks, to name a few. But also communication networks like the world wide web and the mobile phones network. They form the backbone of our society, with more and more users and capabilities. As these networks are becoming increasingly complex, there are serious chances that they fail or even collapse. To make networks future-proof, we must thoroughly understand their dynamics.

In this ‘Tuesday Talks: Science Insights’, Michel Mandjes, Professor of Probability and Operations Research, will discuss his research into understanding the structure, dynamics, design and control of networks, the current trends, and the perspectives he sees in Leiden.

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About the speaker

Michel Mandjes (1970) is a full professor at the Mathematical Institute in Leiden. Mandjes’ research focuses on various aspects of stochastic processes and their applications in operations research and complex networks. He is leader and main applicant of the NETWORKS programme, in the framework of NWO’s Gravitation scheme.


The programme of the Tuesday Talks: Science Insights is:

15.30 hrs Take a seat
16.00 hrs Introduction by dean Jasper Knoester
16.10 hrs Lecture by speaker, followed by Q&A
17.00 hrs Drinks

About Tuesday Talks: Science Insights

Tuesday Talks: Science Insights is Leiden Science’s monthly dose of research inspiration from our staff, for our staff and all other curious minds. Every second Tuesday of the month from 16:00 hrs till 17:00 hrs, drinks and meet up afterwards till 18.00 hrs.

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