Global Transformations and Governance Challenges (GTGC) Conference 2023
- Date
- Wednesday 7 June 2023 - Friday 9 June 2023
- Location
Schouwburgstraat 2
2511 VA The Hague

After a successful first conference in June 2022, GTGC is pleased to announce its second annual Conference at Leiden University's The Hague Campus on 7-9 June 2023.
Global Transformation and Governance Challenges
How are major world-scale changes in contemporary society governed? How might global matters such as geopolitical shifts, ecological changes, technological innovations, and pandemics be better governed? These questions lie at the heart of the Global Transformations and Governance Challenges (GTGC) programme at Leiden University, launched in 2020.
Conference 7-9 June
The conference explores how major world-scale changes (of ecology, economy, geopolitics, migration, pandemics, technology, etc.) are - and can be better - governed. The Hague is home to hundreds of embassies, government agencies, international organizations, NGOs, research institutes and social movements, making it uniquely suited for an interdisciplinary, multi stakeholder dialogue.
The proceedings will include high-level practitioner roundtables, academic panel discussions, and a book launch event. Receptions, lunches, and coffee breaks will offer extensive networking opportunities. For more details, please have a look at the full programme.
Calling the policy and research circles of The Hague to attend the Opening Session of the 2023 GTGC Conference on “The Future of Multilateralism: Reform Proposals for Troubled Times”. Ecological changes, health pandemics, digital transformations, financial crises, military conflicts, trade disputes, migration flows, human rights violations more underline needs for international cooperation. Yet multilateral institutions struggle to maintain their effectiveness and legitimacy. The plenary panel presents feasible reform proposals and informed debate tackling the aim of revitalizing multilateralism against the background of these global challenges.
To this end, two major reports with key workable recommendations will be contrasted. The United Nations Secretary-General’s High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism will be represented at the expert panel by the Senior Minister of Singapore, Tharman Shanmugaratnam. In parallel, the SNS Democracy Council 2023 involves leading researchers in a comprehensive assessment of available knowledge on present and future multilateralism, and will be represented by Professor Jonas Tallberg of Stockholm University.
Join us on Wednesday 7 June, at 15:00-19:00 hrs., alongside high profile guests, including an introduction of the panel by moderator Professor Bert Koenders, former Foreign Minister of the Netherlands. The panel discussion will be followed with a reception, at which all guests are welcome to mingle with the extensive policy and research circles of The Hague and reflect on the invigorating discussion.
Calling politicians, war studies scholars and those keeping up to date with conflict in the news to attend this Roundtable of the 2023 GTGC Conference, “Do Sanctions Work?”. Roundtable II presents this daring question to experts of economy and conflict. On Thursday, 8 June, at 11:00-12:30 hrs., this panel will present a multidisciplinary assessment on the effectiveness of sanctions, taking into consideration historical and present-day cases. Panel participants include Thomas Biersteker of the Geneva Graduate Institute.
Calling academics, policy makers and the climate conscious youth to attend this Roundtable of the 2023 GTGC Conference “Multilevel Governance of Climate Change”. Global problems need local-to-global solutions. A planetary challenge like climate change requires responses on local, national, regional, and global scales. Yet what more precisely should each level contribute to overall climate strategy, and how can the different levels be best coordinated for a more effective solution? The Conference will tackle this intricate discussion at its third plenary roundtable on Thursday, June 8, at 15:30-17:00 hrs.
This roundtable examines the multilevel puzzle in global governance with reference to experiences of addressing climate change in the Netherlands and globally on four levels: Rotterdam Harbour for the local (Huibert van Rossum), Netherlands parliament for the national (Kasper van der Gugten), European Climate Foundation for the regional, and the Netherlands delegation to the COP for the global. The panel will be moderated by Maja Groff, member of the global governance forum. This is a unique opportunity to hear from participants from each rung on the ladder, and examine the effectiveness of the coordination.
Calling all activists and grassroots organizations to participate in a mutual reflection at the closing Roundtable of the 2023 GTGC Conference, “Local Action for Global Change: Grassroots Mobilization in Den Haag”. The Hague, the International City of Peace and Justice, is not only a major hub of embassies, international organizations, and NGOs, but also a hive of grassroots activism on global issues. Bottom-up social movements engage global questions around culture, environment, food security, human rights, refugees, and more. This special event brings together conveners of local movements for global change to exchange experiences of mobilizing citizens around global challenges. What works (and what doesn’t)?
Join us at the Hague Humanity Hub on Friday, 9 June, at 10:30-13:30 hrs. for a plenary round table, small group discussions, and a networking lunch to learn about possibilities and challenges in local action for global change. Hear from grassroots activists from five different sectors, including Maral Khajeh of Shelter City, Tom Marshall of Extinction Rebellion, Arna van der Sloot of Vers en Vrij, Koraisah of Hijaz Gemeenschap and a representative of a digital activism organization. Don't miss out on the interactive seminar, the lunch and on the rare ocassion of intersector collaboration!