Final Conference of the European Network on Teaching Excellence (E-NOTE) Project
- Joachim Koops
- Emmanuelle Gardan
- Paula Duarte Lopes
- Beatrix Busse
- Pauline Ravinet
- Isabel Rodríguez Gregorio
- Silviu Piros
- Hanne Nexø Jensen
- Zuzana Krulichova
- Date
- Wednesday 21 June 2023
- Time
- Location
- University Foundation building
Rue d’Egmont 11
1000 Brussels - Room
- Salle Cattier, ground floor

On 21 Juni the consortium partners of the European Network on Teaching Excellence (E-NOTE) organises their final event on 'Higher Education Teaching Excellence and the Future of the European Education Area'.
The conference is addressed to higher education institutions representatives - at policy, teaching and support level, student representatives, EU and national policy makers, representatives of (inter)national organisations, experts in higher education and anyone interested in this topic.
Outcomes of the E-NOTE project
The conference will present the outcomes of the E-NOTE project, a Strategic Partnership funded by the Erasmus+ programme (2020-2023) with the view to examining higher education teaching excellence at undergraduate and graduate teaching levels, as well as in the context of PhD supervision. A policy roundtable, featuring representatives from EU institutions and academia, will close the event thus offering the chance to explore these issues in connection with ongoing policy developments under the European Education Area and the European Strategy for Universities: 'Towards a European Approach to Teaching Excellence in a Global Context'.
In the first part of the conference, you will have the opportunity to learn more about the E-NOTE project: its main aims, objectives and activities. Members of the consortium will present the achievements in terms of mapping of the existing approaches and best practices of teaching excellence across Europe, before showcasing the results of the E-NOTE pilot trainings and draft curriculum towards a European Certificate of Teaching Excellence.
After the lunch break, the self-assessment tool and the blueprint for a common European framework of higher education teaching excellence will be presented. To close the conference, we will convene a policy roundtable to discuss the possibility to move 'Towards a European Approach to Teaching Excellence in a Global Context'.
Please register and come along to get inspired by the project and its outputs, bring in your own experience and expertise, and exchange with other higher education professionals over the lunch and the networking reception.
Participation is free of charge. Registrations are open until Wednesday 14 June COB through this online form.