E-NOTE Second Teaching Excellence Training for Academic Staff
- Date
- Monday 9 January 2023 - Friday 13 January 2023
- Location
- Online

What is 'teaching excellence' in Higher Education? Which different teaching excellence training, promotion and reward schemes exist across Europe? What does a common European teaching scheme look like? This Teaching Excellence Training is organised by the University of Copenhagen in collaboration with Leiden University, Charles University Prague and the University of Coimbra.
Focus of the training
Each day, a specific group is prioritized, Teachers, Developers, Managers and European Institutions and National Agencies. As a participant, you have the flexibility of choosing from the various programme panels.
The focus of the training will be on how to do excellent teaching and teacher training and how to ensure a supportive and development oriented environment for excellent teaching and teacher training at a departmental, institutional as well as at a national and international level. The design of the programme takes the variations in stage of development and implementation of Teaching Excellence programmes into consideration. There will be a mix of presentations and workshops with different focus depending on the participants needs.
The event is organized to benefit university management staff, higher education learning and development professionals and teaching staff. The objective of the event is to display good case studies of excellence training, including training curricula development and allow participants to gain hands-on experience through practical workshops. Participants should bring a case of their own to share and develop during the event.
You can register for free from mid-October. Deadline for registration is 1 December 2022.
Selection Criteria:
Candidates will be selected based on their professional background and motivation to participate to the event to ensure a diverse group of participants. Participants who followed at least one complete day of training will receive an attendance certificate.
Teaching and learning practicing. Creating of a learning community among teachers, including presentation and use of a model of collegial supervision. What should be the content of a teaching and learning programme? How could this be developed (or qualified) using collegial supervision as an example?
Teaching and learning practicing of specific skills in relation to BA and MA-level including remote and physical teaching. What teaching skills are important for you to train? How could you do this training?
Developing and implementing teaching excellence training curricula emphasising challenges and strategies despite ones starting point and available resources. How can you get started and/ or ensure continues development?
From curricula to schemes: Developing excellence schemes at the university level through certificates and awards. How to design and implement excellence schemes at institutional levels?
Beyond national boundaries towards a European curriculum for excellence training and certification. How to contribute to the Bologna Process aim of supporting mobility among staff and students as well as assuring high quality teaching?
A more comprehensive training programme will be announced mid-October.
The European Network on Teaching Excellence (E-NOTE) is a project funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership framework. The project brings together university managers, teaching faculty, support staff, PhD supervisors, students and education experts to advance exchanges and best practices in relation to “teaching excellence”. The project examines “teaching excellence” at undergraduate and graduate teaching levels as well as in the context of PhD supervision. In addition, the project addresses core issues related to teaching excellence in the post-Covid19 context, including best practices in physical, online and hybrid teaching realms.