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PhD Competence Model

In 2016, Dutch University Medical Centres (UMCs) developed the self-evaluation tool based on the PhD Competence Model. Our partners at Utrecht University are making a digital version of the tool available free of charge for our PhD candidates at Leiden University, including for candidates who are not taking part in the study.

Over the course of their PhD track, candidates can evaluate different competences (discipline-related, transferable/generic) on an annual basis and formulate goals. In this way, the tool promotes PhD candidates’ awareness and self-reflection at an early stage and encourages them to take a pro-active approach to their personal development process. 

Intrinsic Activity
PhD Competence Model on which the self-evaluation is based. PhD candidates can use the self-evaluation tool to monitor their development on these competences and formulate their own chosen goals.

This self-evaluation tool has now been in use for several years by UMCs and Dutch universities. Utrecht University has offered the tool for some time now and its use is encouraged as standard practice in some Graduate Schools.  An internal evaluation by Utrecht University has shown that PhD candidates have positive experiences with using the tool.

Our partners at Utrecht University are making a digital version of the tool available for PhD candidates at Leiden University. The  self-evaluation tool  can be used free of charge by our PhD candidates, including by individuals not taking part in the study.  


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