Academic Teacher Training (BSc&BEd)
Advanced Computing and Systems (MSc)
African Studies (BA)
African Studies (MA)
African Studies (research) (MA)
Air and Space Law (Advanced LL.M.)
Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory (MSc)
Ancient History (MA)
Ancient History (research) (MA)
Ancient Near Eastern Studies (BA)
Animal Sciences and Health (MSc)
Applied Archaeology (MA)
Applied Cognitive Psychology (MSc)
Applied Mathematics (MSc)
Applied Neuroscience in Human Development (MSc)
Arabic Language and Culture (BA)
Archaeological Science (MSc)
Archaeology (BA)
Archaeology (MA/MSc)
Archaeology (Research MA)
Art History (BA)
Art History (MA)
Art History and Cultural and Art Education World Teachers (MA)
Art, Architecture and Interior before 1800 (MA)
Artificial Intelligence (BSc)
Artificial Intelligence (MSc)
Arts and Culture (MA)
Arts and Culture (research) (MA)
Arts, Literature and Media (research) (MA)
Arts, Media and Society (BA)
Asian Studies (MA)
Asian Studies (research) (MA)
Assyriology (MA)
Assyriology (research) (MA)
Astronomy (BSc)
Astronomy (MSc)
Astronomy and Business Studies (MSc)
Astronomy and Cosmology (MSc)
Astronomy and Data Science (MSc)
Astronomy and Education (MSc)
Astronomy and Instrumentation (MSc)
Astronomy and Science Communication and Society (MSc)
Astronomy Research (MSc)
Bestuur en Advisering (MSc)
Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences (BSc)
Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences (MSc)
Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences and Business Studies (MSc)
Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences and Education (MSc)
Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences and Industrial Pharmacy (MSc)
Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences and Science Communication and Society (MSc)
Biodiversity and Sustainability (MSc)
Bioinformatics (BSc - Biology)
Bioinformatics (BSc - Computer Science)
Bioinformatics (MSc)
Biology (BSc)
Biology (MSc)
Biology and Business Studies (MSc)
Biology and Education (MSc)
Biology and Science Communication and Society (MSc)
Biology World Teachers (MSc)
Biomedical Sciences (BSc)
Biomedical Sciences (MSc)
Biomedical Sciences Communication (MSc)
Biomedical Sciences Education (MSc)
Biomedical Sciences Health (MSc)
Biomedical Sciences Management (MSc)
Biomedical Sciences Research (MSc)
BioTherapeutics (MSc)
Book and Digital Media Studies (MA)
Business Economics World Teachers (MSc)
Chemistry (MSc)
Chemistry and Business Studies (MSc)
Chemistry and Education (MSc)
Chemistry and Science Communication and Society (MSc)
Chemistry World Teachers (MSc)
Child and Adolescent Psychology (MSc)
Child Law (LL.M.)
Chinese Language and Culture World Teachers (MA)
Chinese Studies (BA)
Chinese Studies (MA) (120EC)
Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence (MA)
Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence (research) (MA)
Civil Law (LL.M.)
Classics (BA)
Classics (MA)
Classics (research) (MA)
Classics and Ancient Civilizations (MA)
Classics and Ancient Civilizations (research) (MA)
Classics World Teachers (MA)
Clinical and Health Psychology (research) (MSc)
Clinical Neuropsychology (MSc)
Clinical Psychology (MSc)
Clinical Technology (BSc)
Cognitive Neuroscience (research) (MSc)
Colonial and Global History (MA)
Colonial and Global History (research) (MA)
Company Law (LL.M.)
Comparative Criminal Justice (MSc)
Computer Science & Economics (BSc)
Computer Science (BSc)
Computer Science (MSc)
Computer Science (specialisation)
Computer Science and Business Studies (MSc)
Computer Science and Business Studies (MSc)
Computer Science and Education (MSc)
Computer Science and Science Communication & Society (MSc)
Constitutional and administrative law (LL.M.)
Contemporary Art in a Global Perspective (MA)
Creative Intelligence & Technology (MSc)
Crime and Criminal Justice (MSc)
Criminal Law and Criminology (LL.M.)
Criminology (BSc)
Criminology and Security Policy (MSc)
Crisis and Security Management (MSc)
Cultural Analysis: Literature and Theory (MA)
Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (BSc)
Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (MSc)
Culture and Politics (MA)
Culture, History and Society (BA Major of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges)
Cyber Security (MSc)
Cybersecurity & Cybercrime (BSc)
Cybersecurity Governance (MSc)
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (BSc)
Data Science: Computer Science (MSc)
Data Science: Statistical Science (MSc)
Democracy and Representation (MSc)
Design, Culture & Society (MA)
Developmental Psychology (research) (MSc)
Digital Media and Society
Digital Media in Human Development (MSc)
Digitalisation, Governance and Society (BSc)
Drug Discovery and Safety (MSc)
Dutch Discourse Studies (MA)
Dutch Language and Culture (BA)
Dutch Language, Culture and Society (MA)
Dutch Linguistics (MA)
Dutch Politics (MSc)
Dutch Studies (BA)
Dutch Studies (MA)
Dutch World Teachers (MA)
Earth, Energy and Sustainability (BSc Major of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges)
East Asian Studies (MA) (60EC)
Economic and Consumer Psychology (MSc)
Economics and Governance (MSc)
Economics World Teachers (MSc)
Economics, Public Administration and Management (BSc)
Economie & Samenleving (BSc)
Economie van de Publieke Sector (MSc)
Educatieve Master Primair Onderwijs (EMPO) (MSc) (120 EC)
Education and Child Studies (MSc)
Education and Child Studies (research) (MSC)
Educational Science (MSc)
Egyptology (MA)
Egyptology (research) (MA)
Encyclopedie en filosofie van het recht (LL.M.)
English Language and Culture (BA)
English Literature and Culture (MA)
English World Teachers (MA)
Europaeum Programme European History and Civilisation (MA)
Europe 1000-1800 (MA)
Europe 1000-1800 (research) (MA)
European and International Business Law (Advanced LL.M.)
European and International Human Rights Law (Advanced LL.M.)
European Law (LL.M.)
European Politics and Society (MA)
European Tax Law (Advanced LL.M.)
European Union Studies (MA)
Evolution, Biodiversity and Conservation (MSc)
Evolutionary Biology (MSc)
Film and Literary Studies (BA)
Film and Photographic Studies (MA)
Financial Law (LL.M.)
Forensic Criminology (MSc)
Forensische Gezinspedagogiek (MSc)
Foundations of Computing (MSc)
French Language and Culture (BA)
French Literature and Culture (MA)
French World Teachers (MA)
German Language and Culture (BA)
German Literature and Culture (MA)
German World Teachers (MA)
Global and Comparative Philosophy (MA)
Global Archaeology (MA)
Global Conflict in the Modern Era (MA)
Global Ethnography (MSc)
Global Health, Innovation and Society (BSc Major of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges)
Global Order in Historical Perspective (MA)
Global Political Economy (MA)
Governance of Crisis (MSc)
Governance of Migration and Diversity (History) (MA)
Governance of Migration and Diversity (Legal) (LL.M.)
Governance of radicalism, extremism and terrorism (MSc)
Governance of Sustainability (MSc)
Governance of Violence (MSc)
Governance track (MSc)
Governance, Economics and Development (BSc Major of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges)
Health and Medical Psychology (MSc)
Health, Ageing and Society (MSc)
Hebrew and Aramaic Studies (MA)
Hebrew and Aramaic Studies (research) (MA)
Hebrew Language and Culture (BA)
Heritage and Museum Studies (MA)
Heritage and Society (BA)
History (BA)
History (MA)
History (research) (MA)
History and Civics World Teachers (MA)
History, Arts and Culture of Asia (MA) (60EC)
Imaging & Intervention (MSc)
Industrial Ecology (MSc)
Intelligence and National Security (MSc)
International and European Governance (MSc)
International Children’s Rights (Advanced LL.M.)
International Civil and Commercial Law (Advanced LL.M.)
International Criminal Law (Advanced LL.M.)
International Dispute Settlement and Arbitration (Advanced LL.M.)
International Justice (BA Major of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges)
International Organisation (MSc)
International Politics (BSc)
International Politics (MSc)
International Relations (MA)
International Relations and Diplomacy (MSc)
International Relations and Organisations (BSc)
International Studies (BA)
International Studies (MA)
International Tax Law (Advanced LL.M.)
Islamic Studies (BA)
Israel Studies (MA)
Italian Language and Culture (BA)
Italian Literature and Culture (MA)
Japanese Studies (BA)
Japanese Studies (MA) (120EC)
Journalism and New Media (MA)
Kinderen met leer- en gedragsproblemen in het onderwijs (MSc)
Korean Studies (BA)
Korean Studies (MA) (120EC)
Labour law (LL.M.)
Language and Culture Education
Language and Culture Education: Dutch
Language and Culture Education: English
Language and Culture Education: French
Language and Culture Education: German
Language Teaching in Secondary Education (MA)
Language Teaching in Secondary Education (MA)
Latin American Studies (BA)
Latin American Studies (MA)
Latin American Studies (research) (MA)
Law & Business Administration (LL.M.)
Law & Finance (Advanced LL.M.)
Law (LL.B.)
Law (LL.M.)
Law and Digital Technologies (Advanced LL.M.)
Law and Society (MSc)
Learning Problems and Impairments (international track) (MSc)
Leerproblemen (Msc)
Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges (BA/BSc)
Life Science & Technology (MSc)
Life Science and Business Studies (MSc)
Life Science and Education (MSc)
Life Science and Science Communication and Society (MSc)
Life Science and Technology (BSc)
Life Science Research and Development (MSc)
Linguistics (BA)
Linguistics (MA)
Linguistics (research) (MA)
Linguistics (specialisation) (MA)
Literary Studies (MA)
Literary Studies (research) (MA)
Literature in Society. Europe and Beyond (MA)
Management Public Sector (MSc)
Mathematics (BSc)
Mathematics (MSc)
Mathematics and Business Studies (MSc)
Mathematics and Education (MSc)
Mathematics and Science Communication and Society (MSc)
Mathematics World Teachers (MSc)
Media Making Movements (BSc)
Media Studies (MA)
Medicine (BSc)
Medicine (MSc)
Methodology and Statistics in Psychology (MSc)
Microbial Biotechnology and Health (MSc)
Middle Eastern Studies (BA)
Middle Eastern Studies (MA)
Middle Eastern Studies (research) (MA)
Modern Dutch Literature (MA)
Modern European Philosophy (MA)
Modern European Philosophy (MA)
Modern Languages (MA)
Modern Middle Eastern Studies (BA)
Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology (MSc)
Molecular Science and Technology (BSc)
Molecular, Cellular and Organismal Biology (MSc)
Moral and Political Philosophy (MA)
Moral and Political Philosophy (MA)
Museum Studies (MA)
Museums and Collections (MA)
Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict and Development (MSc)
North American Studies (MA)
Notarial Law (LL.B.)
Notarial Law (LL.M.)
Occupational Health Psychology (MSc)
Older Dutch Literature (MA)
Orthopedagogiek (MSc)
Parenting and Child Development (MSc)
Peace, Justice and Development (Advanced LL.M.)
Pedagogical Sciences (BSc)
People Planet Power (BSc)
Persian Language and Culture (BA)
Pharmacy (MSc)
Philosophical Perspectives on Politics and the Economy (MA)
Philosophy (BA)
Philosophy (MA) (120EC)
Philosophy (MA) (60EC)
Philosophy in World Traditions (MA)
Philosophy of Humanities (MA)
Philosophy of Knowledge (MA)
Philosophy of knowledge (MA)
Philosophy of Law, Governance and Politics (MA)
Philosophy of Law, Governance, and Politics (MA)
Philosophy World Teachers (MA)
Philosophy: Global and Comparative Perspectives (BA)
Physics (BSc)
Physics (MSc)
Physics and Business Studies (MSc)
Physics and Education (MSc)
Physics and Science Communication and Society (MSc)
Physics World Teachers (MSc)
Plant Sciences and Natural Products (MSc)
Policy, Public Administration and Organisation (BSc)
Political Science (BSc)
Political Science (BSc)
Political Science (MSc)
Political Science (research) (MSc)
Political Science (specialisation) (MSc)
Political Science and Public Administration (research) (MSc)
Political Theory: Legitimacy and Justice (MSc)
Politics, Culture and National Identities, 1789 to the Present (MA)
Politics, Culture and National Identities, 1789 to the Present (research) (MA)
Politics, Society and Economy of Asia (MA) (60EC)
Politiek, Beleid en Management (MSc)
Population Health Management (MSc)
Psychology (BSc)
Psychology (MSc)
Psychology (research) (MSc)
Public Administration (MSc)
Public Administration (research) (MSc)
Public Administration Science (BSc)
Public Affairs (MSc)
Public International Law (Advanced LL.M.)
Public International Law (LL.M.)
Public Management and Leadership (MSc)
Quantum Information Science & Technology (MSc)
Religious Civics World Teachers (MA)
Religious Studies (BA)
Religious Studies (MA)
Research in Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences (MSc)
Research in Chemistry (MSc)
Research in Physics, Biological and Soft Matter Physics (MSc)
Research in Physics, Classical/Quantum Information (MSc)
Research in Physics, Cosmology (MSc)
Research in Physics, pre-PhD ('Casimir') (MSc)
Research in Physics, Quantum Matter and Optics (MSc)
Research in Physics, theoretical (MSc)
Russian and Eurasian Studies (MA)
Russian Studies (BA)
School Psychology (MSc)
Science for Sustainable Societies (BSc)
Science teaching in Secondary Education (MSc)
Security Studies (BSc)
Sensing & Stimulation (MSc)
Social and Economic Psychology (research) (MSc)
Social and Organisational Psychology (MSc)
Social Sciences and Humanities Education
Social Sciences and Humanities Education: Religious Studies
Social Studies World Teachers (MA)
Sociology of Policy in Practice (MSc)
South and Southeast Asian Studies (BA)
South Asian Studies (MA) (60EC)
Southeast Asian Studies (MA) (60EC)
Spanish World Teachers (MA)
Statistical Science (specialisation) (MSc)
Statistics & Data Science (MSc)
Strategy, Consulting and Change Management (MSc)
Systems Biomedicine and Pharmacology (MSc)
Tax Law (LL.B.)
Tax Law (LL.M.)
Teaching Art History and Cultural and Art Education (MA)
Teaching Biology (MSc)
Teaching Business Economics (MA)
Teaching Chemistry (MSc)
Teaching Chinese Language and Culture (MA)
Teaching Classics (MA)
Teaching Computer Science (MSc)
Teaching Dutch (MA)
Teaching Economics (MA)
Teaching English (MA)
Teaching French (MA)
Teaching German (MA) (60EC)
Teaching History and Civics (MA)
Teaching Mathematics (MSc)
Teaching Philosophy (MA)
Teaching Physics (MSc)
Teaching Religious Studies (MA)
Teaching Social Sciences and Humanities in Secondary Education (MA)
Teaching Social Studies (MA)
Teaching Spanish (MA)
Technical Medicine (MSc)
Technical track (MSc)
Transfusion Medicine and Cellular and Tissue Therapies (MSc)
Translation (MA)
Turkish Language and Culture (BA)
Urban Studies (BA)
Visual Ethnography (MSc)
War and Peace Studies (MSc)
World Archaeology (BA)
World Politics (BA Major of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges)