Statistics & Data Science (MSc)
About the programme
The two-year Master in Statistics & Data Science consists of 120 European Credit Transfer System (EC) points. It consists of a core set of mandatory courses, electives and a Master's Thesis Project.
You can enter the programme in September or February. However, you are strongly encouraged to start in September because in the first semester the general introduction courses ‘Mathematics for Statisticians’, ‘Statistics and Probability’ and ‘Statistical Computing with R’ are scheduled. This is especially recommended if you do not have a strong background in mathematics.
Overview of the Statistics & Data science programme
Overview curriculum
The programme for those who start in 2022-2023 consists of:
- Core programme (59 EC)
- Electives (27 EC)
- Thesis project (34 EC)
An overview of the mandatory courses and pre-approved electives can be found in the diagram below:

The programme has no specialisations. Coherent sets of electives allow students to specialize in a certain application area or research domain such as:
- Medical Statistics
- Biology and Agricultural Statistics
- Data Science
- Psychometrics and Sociometrics
- Official Statistics (the EMOS specialization)
For more information about the programme structure, please refer to the e-prospectus.
Educational methods
- Lectures
- Working groups
- Literature study
- Individual papers
- Computer labs
- Presentations
- Projects
Study guidance
Leiden University offers, if necessary, accompaniment and consultancy on both substantive areas and personal development. The study advisor or study coordinator of your programme is an expert in the field of your study and will be able to help you with problems such as study delay, planning, and exam arrangements.