Universiteit Leiden

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Public Management and Leadership (MSc)

Study programme

The PML specialisation prepares you with knowledge and understanding of the key concepts and theories of management, leadership, decision-making and policy implementation in national and international government organizations.


In the PML specialisation you learn to critically analyse, understand and improve the behavior of key actors in public governance, such as political leaders, top-level civil servants and frontline professionals: 

•    Should and can top-level managers influence go against the political agenda of their minister? 
•    How can government agencies effectively collaborate with private businesses to tackle societal problems? 
•    How can team leaders provide their team with psychological safety to innovate and learn from mistakes? 
•    How do frontline professionals balance between uniform enforcement of the law and the unique circumstances of a citizen?

In this specialization, you will learn how the management of public organizations requires delicate balance between competing values such as effectiveness and efficiency vis-à-vis equity and democracy. Courses address state-of-the-art research and theory, but also challenge students to critically navigate normative questions that are inherent to public governance. In doing so, you acquire a solid toolkit of academic and professional skills that prepares you for a job in or around the public sector, such as ministries, government agencies, management consultancies or research institutes.


You can chose an elective course in Block 2 or Block 4, including an international perspective on public management in the elective courses Comparative Public Management or Public Leadership Across Borders.

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