Economic and Consumer Psychology (MSc)
Programme structure
The master's specialisation Economic and Consumer Psychology consists of three main parts: the mandatory and elective courses, a thesis and an internship.
Programme outline
Here you can find the proposed schedule for this master's specialisation. Some variation is possible. Click on the programme to view it at full-screen.

This course provides you with advanced and specialized knowledge of the concepts, methods, and research findings central to the study of emotions in (social) contexts relevant to economic and consumer behaviour and of how this knowledge can be applied to understand and influence economic and consumer decisions. The seminars are interactive work group sessions and are initiated by students’ views on the addressed themes. Each seminar has a specific theme to examine the influence of emotions on economic and consumer decisions.
This course offers a psychological perspective on communication in an economic and consumer psychology setting—such as health, sustainability, or prosocial behaviour. We will cover insights from (economic and consumer) psychology and communication science using a blended learning approach: In lectures, students will learn psychological principles of influence, effective communication strategies, and media effects. In workgroups, students will use this knowledge to develop an evidence-based persuasive message (e.g., poster, video, app) and communication strategy (e.g., what to communicate to whom, when, where).
Assume that you worked hard to develop a new product. What, based on your psychological knowledge is the best way to make consumers buy your product? What is the best way to advertise it? What cues can you best use to deliver your message? And what are the pitfalls of “bad” advertising? This course will focus on these and other questions, and on how the psychological literature can help in answering them. To reach this aim, we will read classic and recent journal articles, which we will incorporate in real-life marketing contexts. At the end of the course you will have gained more insight in the psychology of selling and advertising and will be able to use your insights in marketing practice.
Student Economic and Consumer Psychology

'This specialisation fulfills my interest in marketing and its psychological background on a larger scale. In our course we analyse why people do that what they do on a larger scale and general consumption behaviour like sustainability'
'The course is great and Leiden is a very international and beautiful city. It also has a great location near Amsterdam and Rotterdam, and it’s close to the sea too!'

During this master's specialisation, at least 10 EC must consist of elective courses, of level 500. A full list of MSc Psychology electives can be found here.
For more information about the courses, check out the e-Prospectus.