Universiteit Leiden

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Physics - Faculty of Science - Leiden University

Research in Physics, Classical/Quantum Information (MSc)

This master’s programme combines Physics with Data Science. You will learn how physics has its own tricks to deal with big data and how techniques from machine learning and deep learning can be applied to classical and quantum data. The first focus of attention is on classical data, including data mining, machine learning and statistical analysis of large data sets. Additionally, students will learn how to investigate quantum data and quantum information, a topic that is expected to be very important in the near future.

What does this master’s programme entail?

  1. Physics studies the laws of nature from the largest to the smallest scale, from cosmic strings to DNA strands, from the structure of the universe to the relations between elementary particles, and from granular materials to quantum dots. Experimental research often builds upon sophisticated experiments and data acquisition. Theoretical research often involves elaborate theories and challenging computer simulations. In many cases, data analysis is a core element, making the combination of Physics with Data Science particularly fruitful. 
  2. Data Science is an interdisciplinary discipline at the border of computer science and statistical science, aiming at discovering knowledge from typically large sets of data. To achieve this goal, data scientists use methods from data mining, machine learning, and statistical data analysis, all of which rely on computer science foundations. This includes computational aspects of data analysis, deep learning, network analysis, and text analytics.

Read more about the Physics and Classical/Quantum Information programme.

Discover why our students choose the Physics master's programme

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Why study Research in Physics, Classical/Quantum Information at Leiden University?

  • The programme covers major current research themes that combine physics with (classical and quantum) information. In Econophysics, for instance, we apply techniques from these disciplines to economy and complex networks. In an experimental study of neutrinos with the cubic kilometer detector, we apply these techniques to detect neutrinos and to analyze the increasing amounts of data. In biophysics we apply 3D optical imaging and deep learning to study how a kidney develops from stem cells. And more fields are opening up. 
  • The programme provides you with a thorough hands-on research training in the field of ‘Physics and Classical/Quantum Information’, acquired during two projects, performed in a master-apprentice setting. Here, you will be part of one of our excellent research groups, allowing you to push the boundaries of knowledge yourself.
  • In this programme you have ample opportunities to design your own study path; 30 EC of the programme consists of electives.

Find more reasons to choose Physics and Classical/Quantum Information at Leiden University.

Research in Physics, Classical/Quantum Information: the right master’s programme for you?

This is the right master’s programme for you if you are interested in the combination of physics and data science. In general, you are curiosity-driven , intrigued by the use of data science in physics and thrilled by the possibility to contribute to this knowledge in an exhilarating research environment.

Read more about the entry requirements for Physics and Classical/Quantum Information.