Universiteit Leiden

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Physics - Faculty of Science - Leiden University

Research in Physics, Biological and Soft Matter Physics (MSc)

Why Leiden University?

The Biological- and Soft-Matter Physics Master specialisation is one of the two programmes Leiden offers in experimental Physics. The programme can to a high degree be tailored to individual needs and interests.

Biological- and Soft-Matter Physics

During the programme you will perform cutting edge research in this modern field of Physics. All research groups perform highly multidisciplinary cutting edge research. Groups in biological physics study the mechanics of biological matter at the molecular and cellular level and beyond. The groups in soft-matter study the properties of liquids, gels, colloids and foams. Another strong aspect of our research is the design of forefront technologies which e.g. allow us to observe and manipulate individual (bio-)molecules, and perform electron paramagnetic at ultrahigh frequencies with unprecedented resolution.

Education at a world class research institute

The Leiden Institute of Physics (LION) is one of the oldest physics institutes in the Netherlands. Renowned physicist like Lorentz, Kamerlingh-Onnes, Zeeman and van der Waals obtained their breakthrough results while working in Leiden.For over a century, many eminent scientists have been and are associated to LION as staff members, alumni and guests.  Building on this tradition, we perform physics research and provide physics education at the highest level. Therefore you can expect excellent education and cutting edge research in Physics during your master’s programme.

Access to top research facilities

The Leiden Institute of Physics has access to a number of key facilities, which enables our research groups and therefore students to do their innovatory research. The Leiden Institute of Physicis is part of the Leiden Cell Observatory, a multidisciplinary research environment of the faculty of sciences, at which biologists, chemists and medical scientists share labs and equipment for multidisciplinary research. Embedded in the Cell Observatory is the Netherlands Center for High-Resolution Electron Microscopy, which currently houses the worlds-best electron microsopes.

Faculty of Science

The Leiden University Faculty of Science is a first-class research faculty with an excellent position in the fundamental disciplines of science. The current research and education programmes cover the entire spectrum of science, including Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science, Computer Science, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences, Biology, and Environmental Sciences. Our science community is driven by their curiosity and desire to increase basic knowledge for science and to contribute to the great societal challenges of today and tomorrow. Our core values are scientific impact, technological innovation and societal relevance. 

Study at a world-class university

Leiden University is the oldest university in the Netherlands and enjoys an excellent worldwide reputation built up over more than four centuries. Since 1575 we’ve provided sound personal education for hundreds of thousands of students. We’ll do our utmost to give you the best possible support. And if you can and want to do more, we’ll challenge you every step of the way. For many years, we’ve been among the leaders in Dutch university rankings and we are currently to be found in a variety of top international rankings too.

More reasons to choose Leiden University