Universiteit Leiden

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Physics - Faculty of Science - Leiden University

Physics and Science Communication and Society (MSc)

Career prospects

With an MSc degree in Physics and Science Communication & Society you are well prepared for a broad array of career prospects in research or industry. The master’s degree is an excellent preparation for a career at the interface of science and public affairs.

Some examples of career at the interface of science and public affairs are:  science writer, science policymaker, public relations officer or research scientist with a particular communication skills.

The Master of Science programme also guarantees a thorough research training founded on a sound theoretical basis. You will  work in an environment with many internationally renowned researchers and will be able to operate on the international market.

All students with a Master of Science degree are admissible to a PhD programme.

Below you will find an overview of organisations where you can fulfill your SCS internships and where our alumni have found jobs:

  • Science editorial offices at newspapers.
  • Popular science magazines such as Kijk, New Scientist, Quest.
  • Professional journals such as Bionieuws, Chemisch2Weekblad.
  • Science museums, science centers, or zoos such as Naturalis, Boerhaave, Museon, Nemo, Artis, Blijdorp.
  • Educational organisations such as Stichting C3, Technolab Leiden, UNAWE.
  • Patient organisations and health organisations such as Diabetes Fonds, Prinses Beatrix Spierfonds, Nierstichting, KWF.
  • Organisations for environmental education such as Natuurmonumenten.
  • Radio, television, such as Klokhuis, SchoolTV, De Kennis van Nu.
  • Websites with science information such as Kennislink, De Kennis van Nu.
  • Research information officer at a university or research institute.
  • Our own Science Communication & Society department; student research about mass media, citizen science, museum learning; PhD research in science communication.
  • PhD in your own research field; increasingly, scientists with science communication skills are appreciated.