Moral and Political Philosophy (MA)
Meet our staff

Dr. W.F. Kalf
Wouter Kalf is Education Director and a University Lecturer at the Institute for Philosophy. His work covers various topics in practical philosophy, including ethics, meta-ethics and political philosophy. View his full profile here.

Dr. D. Mokrosinska
Dorota Mokrosinska is specialised in political authority and obligation, privacy, secrecy and transparency in democratic politics. She has a developing interest in media ethics and the philosophy of technology.

Dr. B.J.E. Verbeek
Bruno Verbeek is a University Lecturer at the Institute for Philosophy. His research is all about the relations between (meta)ethics, political and legal theory, action theory and moral psychology with decision and game theory. View his full profile here.

Dr. M. Vujosevic
Marijana Vujosevic is University Lecturer in moral and political philosophy at the Institute for Philosophy. Her main interests are Kant’s ethics and contemporary moral psychology. View her full profile here.

Dr. T.R. Wells
Thomas Wells is a lecturer at the institute for Philosophy. His research and teaching focuses on ethics and political philosophy, with a particular focus on global justice, business ethics, capitalism, and economics. View his full profile here.