Universiteit Leiden

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Applied Mathematics (MSc)

Programme structure

The research specialisation offers you the opportunity to spend two full years on training in applied mathematics to become an independent scientist with a strong theoretical basis.

Programme outline

You can take advanced courses on: differential equations, dynamical systems, analysis of industrial problems, measure and integration theory, probability theory, statistics, functional analysis, numerical analysis, operations research. Some courses from the master’s programme Statistical Science, in particular Statistical Learning, may be suited for a programme oriented towards statistics. As part of the free choice courses, you can also choose the Science Based Business Fundamentals course from the SBB specialisation.

It is compulsory that at least 30 EC be obtained from courses from the national Master programme in mathematics (Mastermath).

For an up-to-date course overview, please visit the Prospectus.

The Mathematics master offers you a lot of options to create your own programme. There is also the possibility to follow an internship abroad at another university or company or to follow courses abroad.