Translation (MA)
About the programme
The specialisation in Translation allows you to explore translation theory and research and you will become familiar with various translation tools and technologies. Upon graduation you will earn a qualification that will give you entry to the national register of sworn interpreters and translators.
The study programme includes three specialisation core courses, two electives in addition to doing an obligatory internship, and the final Master's thesis including a thesis preparatory course. For a more detailed programme and an overview of all the possible electives, please check the Online Study Guide.
In 2024-25, the specialisation courses Literary Translation and Medical Translation will be offered. In 2025-26, the specialisation courses Multimodal Translation and Legal Translation will be offered.
In order to gain work experience and explore the professional field, you are required to do an internship (10 EC) as part of your studies through the Career Service of the Humanities faculty. Organisations that our students have interned at include:
- VSI Subtitling BV
- Local Heroes Game Localization
- Stichting Cross Your Borders
- Global Voices
- MediLingua
- The European Parliament
- Dutch Tax Administration
Susana Valdez
University Lecturer

"The Translation programme offers you the opportunity to learn how to translate texts and learn about translation technologies and tools; and how to justify your translation solutions for future clients. You will have the opportunity to choose a specialisation (such as literary, multimodal and subtitling, legal and/or medical translation). In our programme, you are also able to do an internship at a national or international company and do research on a topic of your interest for your thesis. Translation labs and interactive classrooms simulate work environments and mirror the challenges that you can encounter in the language industry."
Lettie Dorst
University Lecturer

“All of our courses combine theory and practice. This way, students gain the practical experience they need for their future career as a professional translator, editor or project manager, while they also reflect on translation problems from an academic perspective, gaining in-depth knowledge of relevant theories and methods from a wide range of disciplines. The same is true for our use of technology: students are taught to use professional CAT tools, but also to consider the ethical implications of using translation memories or machine translation.”
Is Translation the programme for you?
Check the admission requirements to find out if you are eligible for this Master's programme.