Universiteit Leiden

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Life Science & Technology - Faculty of Science - Leiden University

Life Science & Technology (MSc)

Programme structure

Central to the MSc education is the research training project, which is the most important educational element of the programme. In the research training project, the student becomes a part of a research group for at least five months and learns not just specific practical skills, but also grows into being an independent researcher by learning to plan work, analyse data, report and discuss results with different audiences, troubleshoot and problem solve and act as a team member.


The emphasis of the MSc LST programme is on motivating and encouraging students to work as young academics and develop to their full potential. The two-year programme consists of 120 EC and offers four specialisations. Students can also complete a double specialisation of 150 – 180 EC, depending on the specific combination. 

The table below gives an overview of the credit distribution in the different specialisations.

  Research EDU SCS BS
Research Training Project 60 30/40 30 30
Academic and Professional Skills 10 10 10 10
Core Courses 20 20 20 20
Elective Courses 30 0/20 20 20
Specialisation-Specific Components - 60/30 40 40
Total 120 120 120 120


Multiple specialisations

In the MSc LST programme, students have the opportunity to do multiple specialisations. Students should contact the study adviser on how to combine multiple specialisations.