Universiteit Leiden

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European Union Studies (MA)


Get the most out of your studies at Leiden University by taking part in our extracurricular activities.

Community building

Throughout the year activities, such as seminar series and excursions, are organised by the programme and the study association to encourage community building.

EU and International Relations seminar series
During the year the programme organises general MA International Relations seminars as well as EU Seminars in which guest speakers will be either leading academics discussing their research or politicians or professionals from NGO’s, government or from other national level or international organisations sharing their experiences.

EUS Study Trip
The European Union Studies track of MA International Relations organizes a yearly study trip to Brussels. Students have a chance to learn more about the EU institutions, meet lobbyists and interest group representatives working around those institutions, speak to the members of national representations in Brussels, experience Brussels nightlife and network with our alumni who already work there.

Leiden Leadership Programme

Are you interested in developing your leadership potential? The Leiden Leadership Programme (LLP) is an Honours Programme specifically developed for ambitious master's students at Leiden University and the Delft University of Technology who recognise the importance of leadership abilities. The LLP offers in-depth training sessions, assessments, seminars, and the creation of a Personal Leadership Roadmap – a five-year plan for reaching and developing your leadership potential.

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