International Children’s Rights (Advanced LL.M.)
Programme structure
The programme provides an in-depth study of the field of children’s rights, and pays particular attention to how children’s rights laws intersect with other disciplines of law.
Yoshie Noguchi (Switzerland)
Guest Lecturer

“I had a great honour and pleasure in giving lectures on child labour to the students at Leiden Advanced Studies in International Children’s Rights programme.”
“The lectures, and the visit of the students at the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Geneva, focused on international labour law, and especially on the ILO standards. The Q&A and discussions with the students turned out extremely rich and stimulating for me – I hope also for the students. Child labour will likely remain among the important international topics in SDGs (target 8.7) as well as in the discourse of global supply chains’ compliance. In addressing child labour in practice, the legal prohibition is only a part of much wider and comprehensive set of policy and action with a holistic approach, reflecting the rights of children. I hope that the reflection on the issue of child labour will help all the students in the programme to gain a different perspective, whatever specific field they take in their career.”
Programme outline
International children’s rights is a unique area of law because it is both multi-layered (covering international, regional and national legal systems) and interdisciplinary in its scope.
You will study children’s rights from a comparative perspective, which includes comparisons between international and national children’s rights instruments. You will also look at how children’s rights laws intersect with other disciplines of law, including:
- human rights law
- civil law
- criminal law
- humanitarian law
- family law
- migration law
In this programme, you will take the following courses:
- Interaction between Children’s Rights and other International Legal Systems
- Children in the Justice System
- Child and Family in Private International Law
- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of Children
- Child Protection and Children’s Rights
- Migration and Children’s Rights
- Enforcement and Monitoring of Children’s Rights
- Children’s rights and Digital Technologies
- Thesis
Full-time or part-time
You can follow the programme full-time for one year or part-time for two years. Part-time students are offered the same facilities and courses as full-time students, and the courses are offered during the day. For non-European students, the part-time option is not possible because of visa requirements.
For detailed information on the courses and curricula, see the Prospectus. Please note that this guide applies to the current academic year, which means that the curriculum for next year may differ slightly.