Cyber Security (MSc)
The Cyber Security lecturers are scholars and lecturers of Leiden University, Delft University of Technology and The Hague University of Applied Sciences.
Teaching staff

Professor Bibi van den Berg is a professor Cybersecurity Governance at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs , Faculty Governance & Global Affairs at Leiden University and head of the research group Cybersecurity Governance at this institute. Van den Berg is the academic director of the Cyber Security Academy.
Bibi van den Berg studied and obtained her PhD at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. After this she worked as a post-doc at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society (TILT) of Tilburg University for three years. In 2012 she came to Leiden for her current function. Van den Berg's research is focused on four themes: (1) Regulating human behaviour through the use of technology (techno-regulation), (2) identity, privacy and (cyber) security, (3) regulation and governance of/on the Internet, and (4) robotics and artificial intelligence.Next to her role as a university professor and lecturer, Van den Berg is a Meijers Fellow at the Faculty of Law.
Bibi van den Berg is a member of the Dutch Cyber Security Council, a Council that advises the Dutch Cabinet on how to improve cybersecurity in the Netherlands. She is also a member of the Board of Advisers for IT of the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) of the Netherlands.

Professor Mauro Conti is Full Professor at the University of Padua, Italy and affiliate professor at Delft University of Technology. He obtained his Ph.D. from Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, in 2009. After his Ph.D., he was a Post-Doc Researcher at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands. In 2011 he joined as Assistant Professor the University of Padua, where he became Associate Professor in 2015, and Full Professor in 2018. He has been Visiting Researcher at GMU (2008, 2016), UCLA (2010), UCI (2012, 2013, 2014, 2017), TU Darmstadt (2013), UF (2015), and FIU (2015, 2016). He has been awarded with a Marie Curie Fellowship (2012) by the European Commission, and with a Fellowship by the German DAAD (2013).
His research is also funded by companies, including Cisco and Intel. His main research interest is in the area of security and privacy. In this area, he published more than 200 papers in topmost international peer-reviewed journals and conference. He is Associate Editor for several journals, including IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, and IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. He was Program Chair for TRUST 2015, ICISS 2016, WiSec 2017, and General Chair for SecureComm 2012 and ACM SACMAT 2013. He is Senior Member of the IEEE.

Professor Michel van Eeten is professor at Delft University of Technology and his chair focuses on the Governance of Cybersecurity. He studies the interplay between technological design and economic incentives in Internet security. His team analyses large-scale Internet measurement and incident data to identify how the markets for Internet services deal with security risks.
He has conducted empirical studies funded by NWO, the ITU, the OECD, the Department of Homeland Security, the European Commission, the Dutch National Police, the General Intelligence and Security Service, Fox-IT, banks, and various ministries within the Dutch government. Topics range from botnet mitigation, threat intelligence and abuse reporting, network measurements, information sharing, security metrics, to cybercrime markets.
Van Eeten is also a member of the Cyber Security Council, an official advisory body of the Dutch government.

Dr. Zeki Erkin is a tenured associate professor in the Cyber Security Group, Delft University of Technology and also responsible for the technical track in the executive master's programme Cyber Security. He received his PhD degree on “Secure Signal Processing” in 2010 from Delft University of Technology where he has continued his research on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, particularly on Computational Privacy. His interest is on protecting sensitive data from malicious entities and service providers using cryptographic tools. While his interest on solutions based on provably secure cryptographic protocols is the core of his research, Dr. Zeki Erkin is also investigating distributed trust for building such protocols without trusted entities.
Dr. Zeki Erkin has been involved in several European and national research projects. He is serving also in numerous committees including IEEE TIFS TC, is an area editor in Eurasip Journal on Information Security and IEEE Open Journal on Signal Processing.He is a member of ACM and a senior member of IEEE.

Olga Gadyatskaya is Assistant Professor Cybersecurity at Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science since 2019. She teaches security in Bachelor, Master, and Executive Master programs at Leiden University.
Olga conducts research on cybersecurity and system security. Her research interests include security risk management, mobile system security, and modeling and analysis of cyber threats.

Petra Oldengarm, MSc., studied technical computing science at Groningen University. Petra is an independent strategic cyber security consultant and Director at Cyberveilig Nederland (Association of the Dutch cybersecurity sector).
Petra has more than 20 years’ experience within the cybersecurity domain. Petra previously worked as innovation team manager at KPN, Manager IT at ECN (Energy research Centre of the Netherlands) and as Director Cybersecurity at Hoffmann

Dr. Stjepan Picek is an assistant professor in the Cyber Security research group of the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science at the Delft University of Technology.
In July 2015, he completed his PhD at Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands and Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia. After that, he first worked as a postdoctoral researcher at KU Leuven, Belgium and after that, at MIT, USA. Stjepan also worked for a number of years in industry.
As a researcher, Stjepan Picek is working on topics in the domains of security/cryptography, machine learning, and evolutionary computation.

Paul Pols (@paulpols) holds degrees in law (LLM), applied ethics (MA) and cyber security (MSc). He followed the Government Track of the Cyber Security Academy from 2016-2018. His master's thesis, “Modeling Fancy Bear Attacks: Unifying the Cyber Kill Chain,” resulted in the Unified Kill Chain model. Pols has more than a decade experience in cyber security and the intelligence and security domain. He now works as a Principal Security Specialist and Lead of Ransomware Resilience at Secura.

Dr. Stefanie Roos is an assistant professor for distributed systems at Delft University of Technology and the Delft Blockchain Lab. Her work deals with trade-offs between privacy, security, and performance in decentralized systems. She contributed to the censorship-resistant P2P network Freenet and designed SpeedyMurmurs, a routing algorithm for payment channel networks like Lightning. Her current research is focused on improving layer2 protocols for blockchains as well as designing more efficient anonymity systems.
Before joining TU Delft, she was a post-doctoral researcher at University of Waterloo, working with Prof. Ian Goldberg, and a PhD scholar at TU Dresden and TU Darmstadt. Her PhD thesis, supervised by Prof. Thorsten Strufe, won the KuVS award for the best PhD thesis in the area of networks and distributed systems in Germany.

Dr. Tommy van Steen is Assistant Professor in Cybersecurity Governance at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs. He holds a BSc and MSc in psychology from Radboud University Nijmegen. In 2016, he received his PhD in behavioural change with the title "The question-behaviour effect: Causes and moderators" from the University of the West of England.
After more than two years as a postdoctoral researcher in cybersecurity at the University of Bath, Tommy van Steen joined the Institute of Security and Global affairs in December 2018 where he teaches various bachelor and master courses on cybersecurity.
His research interests are based around the behavioural aspects of cybersecurity. Using a variety of (quantitative) research methods, Tommy van Steen investigates how to influence, change, and improve cybersecurity behaviours of end-users and organisations.

Dr. Alexandru Stefanov is Assistant Professor of Intelligent Electrical Power Grids in the Department of Electrical Sustainable Energy at Delft University of Technology. Previously, he held the positions of Senior Engineer at NovoGrid Ltd., Dublin, Ireland and Professional Engineer in the Future Networks section, Operations Department at ESB Networks; the distribution system operator in Ireland. He received his PhD degree on cyber security for power grids in 2015 from University College Dublin, Ireland where he had continued his post-doctoral research on critical vulnerabilities, cyber intrusion scenarios and mitigation techniques in a smart grid environment. His research interests are on cyber security and resilience of cyber-physical energy systems that can anticipate, absorb the shock, adapt and rapidly recover from cyber attacks. Dr. Alexandru Stefanov develops cyber-physical system models for cyber attacks investigation and impact analysis on power system stability, and technologies based on computational methods and artificial intelligence for cyber attacks mitigation and power grid defence and restoration.
Dr. Alexandru Stefanov holds the registered professional title of Chartered Engineer from the Institution of Engineers of Ireland. He is member of the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) and EE-ISAC, and secretary of the Working Group on Cyber Security in Power Systems in the IEEE PES Analytic Methods for Power Systems Committee. He is a regular member of the Working Group C2.25 on Operating Strategies and Preparedness for System Operational Resilience in CIGRE Study Committee C2.

Dr. Ir. Sicco Verwer is an assistant professor in machine learning with applications in cyber security, software engineering and mathematical optimization at Delft University of Technology. Before this, he has have been a postdoctoral researcher for several years at RU Nijmegen, KU Leuven, and TU Eindhoven. He I teaches two courses in the cyber security master at TU Delft: Cyber Data Analytics and Automated Software Testing and Reverse Engineering.
Sicco Verwer has worked on several topics in machine learning and is best known for his work in grammatical inference, i.e., learning state machines from trace data. He has researched and implemented several algorithms for learning such models including RTI, which is one of the first that is able to learn timed automata. In 2013, he received a prestigious VENI grant to extend this work and apply it in cyber security.
Other recent work includes several methods for declarative modelling of machine learning problems using mathematical solvers, and making classifiers discrimination-aware.