Universiteit Leiden

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Comparative Criminal Justice (MSc)

Career prospects

The Criminal Justice Master’s programme offered by the institute of Criminal Law and Criminology at Leiden University will provide you with the skills necessary for a successful career in the private or public sector.

Skills for navigating a complex world

Globalisation poses new challenges for national and international crime problems. As our graduate you will be well prepared to analyse these challenges and work towards a solution. The mix of legal and criminological perspectives discussed during the course, equips students with the tools to operate in a large variety of organisations, including international criminal justice actors. The course also aims to develop students’ transferable skills, including research, writing and presenting skills, so that they will be able to solve problems and convey their ideas in a wide range of contexts.

Contact with the field

During the programme a lot of attention is also given to career prospects; for example, there are guest lectures, field trips, and students are encouraged to maintain a portfolio of reflections in regard to their academic advancement throughout the programme. Students carry out an independent and original piece of research, which showcases the skills and knowledge acquired during the Master’s programme. During this process, they benefit from the guidance of staff with expertise in the area of Criminal Justice. Completing an internship is an optional component of the programme.

Graduate prospects

Our graduates end up in law(-related) professions, (international) criminal justice organisations, research, teaching, and roles related to policy-making and policy-advice. Examples of graduate destinations include: the Law Reform Commission of Ireland, the Koninklijke Marechaussee, Eurojust, the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, and EY.