Biomedical Sciences (MSc)
Biomedical Sciences Education
In the Biomedical Sciences Education specialisation you gain knowledge and skills in the area of teaching in biology. The education specialisation is for students who want to work as a first-grade teacher Biology at secondary education or for those who want to specialize in education in general. Since the programme is partly taught in English and partly in Dutch, fluency in Dutch is required.
What does the Education specialisation entail?
The Biomedical Sciences Education specialisation enables you to make a relevant impact on society by educating today’s secondary school pupils for tomorrow’s challenges in the field of biology. Yet, once graduated, you will also be equipped to pursue a career within scientific biomedical research. During the Biomedical Sciences Education specialisation you will:
- Deepen and extend your knowledge on the human body in health and disease
- Acquire academic skills like team work, problem solving and critical thinking
- Learn to independently perform biomedical research
- Learn to present and write up your research in a clear and structured way
- Learn to apply for grants to fund your research
- Learn to teach secondary school pupils the exciting subject of Biology
Do you want to know what your career options are with this specialisation? Read more on Career Prospects.
The components specific for the Education specialisation are:
- ICLON-lerarenopleiding biologie (60 ec)
- A module to catch up your knowledge of Biology (self-study)
The study programme of the Biomedical Sciences Education specialisation is flexible. You can choose a variety of different courses, electives and research internships.