African Studies (MA)
Meet our staff

Dr. A. Akinyoade
Akinyinka’s research activities are on population health and development, with special attention on fertility dynamics and family planning in West Africa; migration (human trafficking and forced labour in Nigeria); decentralization (public service delivery in education and health sectors of Nigeria, Cameroon, Tanzania and Indonesia). View his profile here.

Dr. Lidewyde Berckmoes
As associate professor and senior researcher at the African Studies Centre Leiden, Lidewyde Berckmoes employs life-course and intergenerational perspectives to increase understanding of cyclical dynamics of conflict and peace in the Great Lakes Region, particularly Burundi and Rwanda. View her profile here.

Prof. dr. Mirjam de Bruijn
The research Mirjam develops in interdisciplinary research programmes evolves around different themes and focuses on African situations. She combines history, anthropology, and communication science. Themes are security, mobility, youth/gender, crisis, nomadism, conflict (Duress), and political agency. See her full profile here.

Dr. André Leliveld
André is a development economist. He has done a number of research projects on informal insurance, social protection and community-based (health) insurance schemes in Africa, particularly in Togo, Uganda and Swaziland. His current research project in this field is a study of the effects of community-based health insurance in Togo on the economic well-being and health status of participants. View his profile here.

Dr. mr. Karin Nijenhuis
Karin guides students, ranging from Bachelor to PhD level, through interactive teaching, coaching and employability skills training. She is a board member of the Master/Research Master African Studies programme (MAAS/ResMAAS), chair of the Master African Studies, and BKO coordinator (University Teaching Qualification). See her full profile here.