Philosophy: Global and Comparative Perspectives (BA)
As part of your application procedure for the bachelor’s programme Philosophy: Global and Comparative Perspectives, you are asked to complete an Online Matching module. By watching a number of video lectures and answering questions about them, you will discover whether the programme fits your expectations. You will also answer a number of questions about academic skills and about your motivation.
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Watch the video on the original website orThe Matching module is a mandatory part of the admission and application procedure. Once you have completed the Matching module, you will receive an advice, detailing whether there is a good match between you and your programme of choice. On the basis of this advice you will be able to assess whether the programme suits your interests and capacities.
The advice can indicate that there is either a strong match or that there is a weak match. When you are told that there is strong match, you can confidently start the programme. If there is a weak match, however, you may want to reconsider whether this specific programme is the best choice for you.
Mette Rebel

“I participated in the matching module last year, as part of my application procedure. I already had read about it on the website, but I didn’t quite know what to expect. I hadn’t done anything in terms of preparation, and preparation indeed turned out to be not necessary. I really liked the online matching. There were a couple of mini lectures and also a text I had to read. I was asked a number of questions about these lectures and the text, and I also was asked to write about my motivation. I could identify with the material, the topics were exactly what I liked. This was a confirmation for me that I had chosen the right programme. And now that I am actually a student in the programme, I love it. So the matching was correct!”
Non-binding advice
The Matching module is mandatory. Everybody registering for this programme is required to complete the module. Please note, however, that the ensuing advice based on your answers is non-binding. The advice does not influence your admission to the programme that you have applied for.
Do you need support?
You will receive the Matching advice by e-mail, on the same day that you have completed the Matching module. Contact the study advisor if you would like to discuss this advice or if you have any questions about the procedure.
Start early
If the advice indicates that your match with your programme of choice is weak, you may want to reconsider. You may even decide to switch to another programme. In order to be able to arrange all this, it is wise to complete the Matching module as early as possible, allowing yourself enough extra time.
After you have submitted your application for the Philosophy: Global and Comparative Perspectives bachelor’s programme (before 1 May), and after your application has been received by us, we will send you an invitation to complete the Matching module. You will also receive the information that is necessary to activate your account and start the module.
The Matching period starts in February. If you have already sent your application in before this month, you will receive your invitation in February.
The module should be completed as early as possible and before August at the latest. Please note: the completion of the Online Matching module is not connected to the application procedure. Only after you have completed the Matching module and once you have been unconditionally admitted to the programme, we can finalise your registration for Philosophy: Global and Comparative Perspectives.
Frequently asked questions about Matching
It is important to Leiden University that you choose a programme that suits you. By participating in the Matching procedure, you will gain a realistic view of the programme of your choice. From experience, we know that as a prospective student you have a higher chance to successfully complete your first year after spending time and energy in making a conscious and informed decision about the programme. The Online Matching module consists of a number of video lectures and texts with corresponding multiple choice questions. This will give you a good impression of our programme.
Dutch law states that as a prospective student you are entitled to Matching activities if you register before 1 May. Leiden University considers it so important that you make a conscious choice that Matching has been made mandatory for this programme. In our experience, students who make a conscious choice about which programme to follow have a higher chance to pass their first year.
After applying for the bachelor of your choice in Studielink, you will receive an e-mail with sign-in details for the Online Matching module within 10 working days. Please bear in mind that the module is only available from February onwards. Log-in details will be sent from the beginning of February.
You will need around 1-3 hours to complete the module, depending on your personal reading speed.
You do not need to prepare in any specific way. However, we expect you to have made a conscious decision for this programme and that you are informed before you register. Have you done the Online Experience already?
The Open Day is meant for you to learn about the different study programmes and student life in Leiden and/or The Hague. If you want to further explore a certain programme, you can follow brief lectures and workgroups and meet students and lecturers during the Experience Day or a Student for a Day event. Once you have made a decision, you can apply for your programme of choice through Studielink. We will then invite you to participate in the appropriate Matching module.
There is no charge for participation in Matching.
If you find out that the programme is not a good match for you, you may wish to reconsider your study choice. However, do note that the advice you will receive is not binding. That means that if the Matching module is completed, whatever the advice is, you may start your studies if all other admission requirements are met.
We do advice you, however, to make sure that you have enough time to switch to another programme and to participate in the Online Matching procedure in March.
The rules and regulations that cover Matching are part of the University Regulation on Student Registration and Tuition fees. Information about appealing against a Matching advice can be found here.
Once you complete the study Matching activity, you will receive an automatic feedback message via e-mail about your results on the same day. The feedback is based on the responses you have given to the test questions, with a brief explanation and advice.
This advice is not binding, but intended as an indication of the degree to which the programme meets your expectations, preferences and ambitions. If you wish to discuss the advice and what it means, contact the coordinator of studies.