Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (BSc)
Programme structure
This programme is aimed at students who have a strong interest in programming and computer science, as well as an interest in the cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence.
The first year will give a thorough grounding in the mathematical and computer science foundation of data science and artificial intelligence. You will get familiar with the basis of logical reasoning and will be introduced to programming, algorithms, databases, and math. In addition, academic skills and methodology are an essential part of the first-year programme. Special attention is paid to social and ethical issues related to data science and artificial intelligence.
The second year is dedicated to artificial intelligence and data science: search and decision making, cognitive and behavioural data science, autonomous and multi-agent systems, statistics, human-robot interaction, machine learning. In addition, you will deepen your knowledge in computational
models and algorithms.
The third year consists mostly of electives and the individual research project. You will be
assigned to the research group. Students can choose to follow a minor at Leiden University, Delft University or Erasmus University Rotterdam (LDE); follow electives offered by LIACS or study abroad.
The bachelor’s programme is concluded with the research project (15 EC). Some students participate in existing research projects; other students do a more independent project in collaboration with one of the research groups.