Introductie Sociale Wetenschappen: mens en gedrag in veranderde wereld
How do psychology, culture, politics, and upbringing influence our lives in a rapidly changing world? What is the role of education and development, and how do cultural differences shape our society? In the minor "Introduction to Social Sciences: Human Behavior in a Changing World" (30 EC), you will gain insight into how individuals, societies, and political systems interact with one another and explore the complex dynamics that shape our world.
This interdisciplinary minor offers you a unique opportunity to explore social and behavioral sciences from various perspectives, including psychology, anthropology, pedagogy, and political science. By taking courses at both introductory and advanced levels, you will learn fundamental theories and how to apply them to contemporary issues. This minor is ideal for students who are interested in human behavior, intercultural interactions, and the impact of politics on daily life from a broad perspective.
In this minor you will learn
- Psychology and Behavior: Discover the fundamental principles of psychology, including key theories and research areas. You will learn how human behavior and mental processes are shaped by upbringing and development. Additionally, you will explore the causes, consequences, and prevention of child abuse and neglect. You will gain insight into how negative experiences affect children's development and how interventions can contribute to their well-being.
- International Politics and Political Psychology: Delve into political systems worldwide and learn how psychological processes influence political decision-making and behavior. You will develop an understanding of both the broader international context and the psychological mechanisms that drive political actors.
- Culture and Globalization: Explore how cultures differ and the impact of globalization on societies worldwide. Through both introductory and advanced courses, you will gain a deep understanding of cultural comparisons and the global shifts that are transforming our world.
Most courses in this minor are taught in Dutch, except for those in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology, which are conducted in English.
The entire minor is completed in the first semester.
Teaching Methods and Assessment
Refer to the individual course pages for more information on learning objectives, teaching methods, and assessment. These may differ from what you are used to in your own program.
Exam accommodations must be requested no later than three weeks before the start of the exam period. Official documentation must be submitted to the minor coordinator for this purpose, even if you have already been granted these accommodations in your own program.
Please note: Registration for all course components, including the exam and resit, will be arranged by the Education Service Center after the registration period has ended.
Registration for this minor takes place via eduXchange. The registration period runs from May 15 to June 30, 2025.
Maximum number of participants: 40
- For students from Leiden University: See the minor page on the student portal.
- For students from TU Delft or Erasmus University: More information about the courses and registration can be found here.
- For students from other universities: More information about the courses, registration, and placement can be found here.
Note: HBO students are not eligible to apply for this minor.
After the registration period closes, you will receive further information, and the Education Service Center will enroll you in the courses. This registration includes all course components, including the exam.
More information
The Examination Board of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology holds overall responsibility for this minor, while the respective course examination boards are responsible for their individual courses.
No exemptions are granted within this minor. There may be differences in regulations between courses, but no rights can be derived from these differences. Students are expected to be familiar with the Faculty and Program Regulations.
For questions or more information, you can contact the minor coordinator, Mieneke van der Salm.
Students from Leiden University, TU Delft, or Erasmus University Rotterdam have priority. Students from other institutions will be placed on a waiting list and will be informed shortly before the start of the minor if a spot is available.
Students from other institutions who wish to join the waiting list can send an email to the Education Service Center.
Rooms in the Pieter de la Court building
In the building, the rooms are designated as follows:
Floors are indicated by:
- S = basement (souterrain)
- 1 = first floor, and so on.
Letters A, B, or C follow the floor number:
- A: Left side of the floor (restaurant side)
- B: Right side of the floor (library side)
- C: Rooms around the central hall
The last two digits indicate the room number.
Courses to be taken: