Universiteit Leiden

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Intelligence Studies

Admission and application

Are you interested in the minor Intelligence Studies? Find out more about admission and application below.

Application deadlines


Type of minor


Registration period

Minors with admission requirements* TU Delft, Erasmus, LDE, Leiden University 1 April 13 hrs. - 10 april 2025
Minors without admission requirement TU Delft, Erasmus, LDE 15 May 13 hrs. - 30 June 2025
  Leiden University 15 May 13 hrs. - 30 June 2025


* A minor with admission requirements is a minor with a different selection procedure. You can check which minors have admission requirements in the Studiegids or on the website of TU Delft and Erasmus.


Registered as a bachelor's student

You must be registered as a bachelor's student at Leiden University. In terms of educational level, the best time to do a minor is in the third year of your bachelor’s programme. This is an advisory note, rather than an admission requirement.

No overlap with your regular studies

Your minor may not overlap with your regular studies. Are you unsure? In your study programme's Course and Examination Regulations (OER) you can read which minors you are not allowed to follow due to overlap. Don't see your minor but still not sure? Ask your board of examiners about the overlap between your minor and your programme(s) to be sure. 

Part of a minor (elective credits)

If you only want to follow part of a minor, you need permission from the Board of Examiners

Read more about admission on this page.

Read more about admission and application on this page.


Every minor has a limited number of places. These are allocated on a first come, first served basis (with the exception of TU Delft and Erasmus minors with admission requirements*). So apply on time.

Leiden University, Delft University of Technology and Erasmus University Rotterdam collaborate closely on a range of educational matters, thus making it easy to follow a minor at TU Delft or the Erasmus University. During the application period for Leiden students, in April and May, TU Delft and the Erasmus University reserve a third of their minor places for Leiden University students.

You may only apply for one minor with admission requirements. You may only apply for one TUD/EUR/LDE minor. If you are placed on a waiting list, you may apply for another Leiden minor (without admission requirements). Please note: you can only follow one minor. Are you placed on two waiting lists? Deregister from one of the two minors and apply for a different one. 

You can change or cancel your applications right up to the end of the application period. Be sure to deregister from any minor that you do not plan to follow. This way you won't block a spot that your fellow students could be using. 

For questions about applying, contact 071 – 527 1111 or studielijn@leidenuniv.nl.

Apply via EduXchange for LDE-minors

Students need an EduID from this academic year onwards to register for an minor offered by TU Delft, Erasmus University and Leiden University. It is important that students have created an EduID before 8 May. This video explains how students create an EduID. 

From this academic year onward, students have to register for an LDE-minor via EduXchange. For minors offered by other universities, the registration procedure of the relevant university applies.

Steps to take

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Single courses

This minor is a consistent package of courses designed to help you build your knowledge in a logical and connected way. It is not possible to follow single courses and the minor needs to be completed in one academic year. However, it is possible for EUR students to choose a 15 EC semi-minor consisting of the two courses, Introduction Secret Affairs and Qualitative Analysis Techniques for Intelligence Studies.
Introduction to Secret Affairs is the only course that is also available as an individual course.

This course is also open for inbound exchange students if they wish to take the entire minor Intelligence Studies; it is not possible to take single courses from this minor. Exchange students must be admitted by the FGGA International Office prior to the start of the minor; priority will be given to direct exchange partners of FGGA. For more information about the application procedure for exchange students, please contact the FGGA International Office at international@fgga.leidenuniv.nl. This minor is not accessible for HBO students.