Universiteit Leiden

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Cybersecurity & Cybercrime

About this minor

Cybercrime and cyberterrorism are serious challenges. The threat posed by state actors who misuse cyberspace for espionage and disruption activities is also real and increasing every year. This minor gives you the skills and knowledge to identify, analyse and address these challenges from a variety of perspectives.

Upon successful completion of the minor, you will be able to:

  • Describe cyberspace as a complex socio-technical system, and make explicit its economic, social and geopolitical relevancel;
  • Explain the basic principles of the use and misuse of cyberspace, as well as possible solutions to address misuse;
  • Evaluate values, interests and stakeholder perspectives on cybersecurity and cybercrime;
  • Consider legal, organisational, ethical and technical interests and navigate between them.

Digital networked technology has become the engine of our society and economy: almost all the activities we engage in every day, from work to leisure, and from travel to communication, are enabled or supported by digital networked technology. With this reliance on digital, networked technology has come a growing awareness of the vulnerability of digital systems, of networks and digital data. When malicious actors take down networks or steal data, the result can be significant economic and societal damage. For this reason, cybercrime and cyberterrorism are serious challenges. The threat posed by state actors who misuse cyberspace for espionage and disruption activities is also real and increasing every year.

'Alpha-beta-gamma' minor

The minor Cybersecurity & Cybercrime is developed as a collaboration of The Leiden Institute of Advance Computer Science (LIACS), the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) and the Centre of Right and Digital Technology (eLaw). 

This minor gives you the skills and knowledge to identify, analyse and address these challenges from a variety of perspectives. This theme-oriented minor provides you with knowledge of the disciplines relevant to understanding these complex challenges:

  1. administrative and organisational science;
  2. computer science;
  3. criminology, and
  4. law.

This is a so-called 'alpha-beta-gamma' minor, in which disciplinary subjects from the social sciences, the natural sciences and humanities are brought together.


The minor consists of 4 courses of 5 ects focusing on 1 discipline. In block 2 an integration course of 10 ects is offered. In this course, you work on a current case using the knowledge and skills you have acquired, learning to look at the subject from different perspectives.

The minor is offered in Dutch, but some courses are in English. The minor is offered entirely in The Hague.

The courses in the first block can also be taken as a semi-minor of 15 ects. It is not possible to take individual courses as electives and the minor must be completed in 1 year.

This minor and all courses fall under the responsibility of the examination board of the programs Security Studies and Crisis and Security Management. The Education and Examination Regulations of Security Studies apply.