Data Science & Artificial Intelligence
Data Science (DS) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are omni-present and have the potential to be incorporated in various fields. However, in order to live up to this expectation, a good understanding of the techniques, their implications and limitations is required. In this minor you develop insights and skills on the intersection of the fields of data science, artificial intelligence. The overall aim is to get an understanding and basic skills in integrate AI technologies with problems that could arise during your main (major) program. The curriculum is aimed at putting the teaching material into practice.
Is this the right minor for you?
At the end of the minor you have attained the following learning outcomes:
* Basic Python programming skills, including control structures, data structures, and object-oriented programming;
* Basic understanding of data management, data wrangling and data visualization techniques (i.e., how to massage data into an artificial intelligence solution and visualize this);
* Evaluating and presenting the performance and other implications (such as ethics) of a machine learning solution;
* Analyze the role of artificial intelligence on your main (major) program;
* Analyze the role of data science and artificial intelligence in various domains, including society environment, life science and health care.
These outcomes encompass technical programming skills, theoretical knowledge of AI, practical application of Data Science and AI, and an understanding of the impact of AI on society from various perspectives (including an ethical perspective).