Universiteit Leiden

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Projects, internships and traineeships

Finding a suitable project, internships or traineeships

Are you interested in doing a project, internship or traineeship at Leiden University? Speak to your home university's study abroad coordinator about the options available.

Gaining approval

Once you have identified a suitable option, you will need to request approval from the Leiden University faculty or institute in question. Your home university coordinator can tell you who to contact at Leiden University to gain approval. 

Next steps

After gaining approval, take the following steps depending on your situation:

Also following exchange or study abroad courses

Do you also plan to follow exchange or study abroad courses during your stay at Leiden University? If so, after gaining approval for your project, internship or traineeship, submit an application for an exchange or study abroad programme. In your application, you can apply for both your exchange courses and your project, internship or traineeship.

Not following exchange or study abroad courses

Will you only do a project, internship or traineeship at Leiden University, and will not follow exchange courses? In this case, you do not need to apply for an exchange/study abroad programme. Instead, your Leiden University faculty or institute will put you in touch with the Service Centre for International Staff (SCIS). The SCIS will then assist you with all the necessary formalities.