Block 3
In the overview below you can find the LUC Newsletters that were send out during block 3 and spring break in semester 2 of academic year 2019 - 2020.
As LUC The Hague shifts to online learning and virtual engagement, this newsletter is tied together by a thread of creative tips to promote well-being. It includes a foreword from SLO Lenore Todd, a staff feature by Lieke Schreel and an article detailing an alumni event at Oxford.
Staff Features
Lenore Todd Assistant professor / Student Life Officer
SLO, Alumni, Positivity, Well-Being
Tips for remote learning are given, followed by information on student financial aid. An open call to join the LUC Instagram team and an article on LUC’s first webinar proceeds a staff feature by Dr. Jothi Thrivikraman on coping in quarantine. Following this is an article featuring faces of the LUC community in Norway’s largest newspaper and a new feature: Newsletter Top Picks: Podcasts.
Staff Features
Jyothi Thrivikraman Assistant Professor
Thijs Bosker Associate professor
Judi Mesman Professor The interdisciplinary study of societal challenges/Distinguished Professor
Community, Students, Alumni, Well-being, Financial aid, Recruitment, Quarantine
The newsletter opens by featuring a gesture made to front line workers by LUC Study Advisor Lisette van Putten before a feature aarticle on student Sylvie Ramakers acceptance to the prestigious Yenching Academy. It covers the Launch of Dr. Paul Behrens upcoming book and follows this by advertising an opportunity for a new student member to the programme board. It shares respective student insight into the pandemic from both Spain and Zimbabwe before concluding with a staff feature by the Dean and Newsletter Top Picks: Boredom Killers.
Staff Features
Paul Behrens Associate professor
Judi Mesman Professor The interdisciplinary study of societal challenges/Distinguished Professor
Students, Masters Programmes, LUC Programme Board, Book Launch, Well-Being, Quarantine, IJ, Sustainability