Visits to Leiden
Leiden University regularly welcomes members of the Royal Family to attend opening ceremonies, lectures, presentations and unveilings of works of art.

In 2024, Queen Máxima visited the Leiden student foundation ‘Door Het Geluid’, which works to promote mental well-being among students.

In 2024, Prince Constantijn and several students performed the grand opening of the new Gorlaeus Building.

In 2017, Queen Máxima opened Leiden University's new Asian Library.
In 2017 the University hosted a symposium on the occasion of the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Pieter van Vollenhoven and Princess Margriet. The royal couple commented jokingly that the symposium's title 'Ramp en Recht' ('Disaster and Justice') was not a reference to their marriage.
In 2016, King Willem-Alexander opened a new wing of the Leiden Instrument Makers School.
In preparation for their state visit to China, King Willem-Alexander and Princess Máxima consulted several experts at a China meeting in Leiden.
The royal couple viewing a bust of King Willem-Alexander, made by Aart Schonk in 2014.

In 2014 Princess Beatrix attended a congress on Buddhism in Leiden.
With the press of a button Prince Constantijn opened the Leiden Centre of Data Science in 2014.
In 2013, Queen Máxima opened the renovated tropical greenhouse at the Hortus Botanicus.
During the Swedish royal couple's visit to Leiden in 2009, Prince Willem-Alexander pointed out to them his signature on the wall of the 'Zweetkamertje' (Sweat Room). It is a tradition for Leiden students to write their names there after they graduate.

In 2000, Prince Willem-Alexander received the first copy of a commemorative book about the 400-year relationship between the Netherlands and Japan.