Women of the present
What better way to represent women in the present than to ask them? The Museums Matters Class decided to ask Leiden’s Leading Ladies to loan an object which they felt encompassed their time here, from those in their undergraduate to one of the 23 female professors, with many positions in between.
This email was sent to the Leading Ladies
I am emailing you today on behalf of Museum Matters Two, a Master’s Elective run by the School of Humanities at the University of Leiden. As part of our class we are currently curating an exhibition on the subject of women in the University, ranging from the very first women at the University to the present day.
I am part of the group who intend to focus upon the role of women in the Present, and in order to make the curation more personal we were wondering if you might consider lending a piece which you feel encompasses your experience during your time as part of Leiden University?
The piece would be put on display from early April to mid-May, and would be behind glass for the duration of the display, ensuring its safety. Ideally, the object would be loaned from the beginning of April and we would hope to return it to you by the end of May. We would also appreciate a statement to go alongside this, in order to provide context for the piece.
With thanks in advance.
Yours Sincerely,
Museum Matters Two, Class of 2019