Wearables in Practice symposium: How can AI shape future wearables for population dynamics?
How can AI shape future wearables for population dynamics? This question made the underlying theme of the 8th Wearables in Practice Symposium, which took place on the 14th of October in Leiden.
The Wearables in Practice Community frequently organizes symposia to bring together professionals who work with wearables to discuss their findings and experiences.
The symposium was co-organized by the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) and the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). This was the first time that the symposium was hosted in Leiden. The symposium was sponsored by SAILS and the Young Academy Leiden (YAL).
The program consisted of seven invited speeches by researchers who contributed to AI for population health within a diverse range of application domains (e.g., psychology, epidemiology, drug research, and sports). These speeches included two keynote speeches by Dr Scott Small from the University of Oxford on reproducible machine learning for analysing wearables data in large-scale epidemiological health research and Prof. dr. Douwe Atsma from LUMC on redesigning health care using the wearables within the Box project. Daniela Gawehns from LIACS pointed to the challenges of developing AI learning systems using mixed methods research in multidisciplinary research.
Additionally, symposium participants were previously invited to submit relevant poster abstracts, which were accepted for poster presentation and a one-minute pitch after a peer review by the Symposia’s program committee. During the coffee breaks, lunch and drinks after the symposium, there were plenty of opportunities for the participants to network and discuss ideas for collaboration.