Symposium - The Future of AI is Human
- Date
- Monday 14 October 2019
- Time
- Address
- Museum Volkenkunde
Steenstraat 1
2312 BS Leiden
SAILS Symposium
The symposium will take place on Monday 14 October 2019 from 13.00 - 17.00 followed by drinks.
12.30 – 13.00 Reception with Coffee and Tea
13.00—13.05 Hubertus Irth - Dean of Science Leiden University
13.05—13.20 Annelien Bredenoord, Medical Ethicist, Utrecht University
13.20—13.40 Roy de Kleijn, Leiden University
Artificial vs. biological intelligence: can we learn from each
13.40 –14.00 Boudewijn Lelieveldt Leiden University Medical Centre
AI in (bio)medical imaging
14.00—14.20 Catholijn Jonker, TU Delft/Leiden University
Hybrid Intelligence
14.20– 14.40 Guszti Eiben, VU - Amsterdam
Artificial Intelligence through Artificial Evolution
14.40—15.10 Coffee and Tea break – in the Museum Café
15.10 –15.30 Bart Custers – SAILS / Leiden University
Law, AI and Data Science
15.30 – 15.50 Holger Hoos – Leiden University
A bicycle built for two: Thoughts on the past, present and future of AI
15.50 –16.50 Panel Session: Aske Plaat is moderator
Catholijn Jonker, Mike Preuss, Bart Verheij, Stephan Raaijmakers, Gerard van Westen, Iris Wuisman
16.50– 17.00 Closing note—Aske Plaat
17.00—18.00 Drinks and nibbles – in the Museum Café
For registration, please email: Mischa Hautvast